
v0.1.0Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Meteor package that allows you to use Piwik Analytics with your application.

An improved fork of https://github.com/appjitsu/piwik/. Thanks for the great work.

This package uses piwik-tracker (https://www.npmjs.com/package/piwik-tracker).


meteor add davidsichau:piwik


In your settings.json file, add:

"piwik": {
    "url": "http://your_piwik_server_url/piwik.php",
    "site_id": 0,


On the client serveral helpers functions are provided to track different statistics.

Before any tracking you should call the helper setUserInfo with the current UserId or with null. This helper collects data like the user Agent the referral and the resolution of the users device.

Meteor.startup(function() {
    return Tracker.autorun(function() {
        var userId;
        userId = Meteor.userId();

To track a specific site use the following method:

// to track page in your router (onRun hook)

To track a download use:


To track a external Link use:


To track a search use:

Meteor.Piwik.trackSearch(url, {
    search: 'my cool keyword', // the search term
    search_cat: 'page search', //the category of the search
    search_count: '42' //the number of search results


To track a goal use:

Meteor.Piwik.trackGoal(url, goalId)
// track an event
	Router.current().route.path(this), // the route: ie - /home, not the full url
		category: "Page or Section",
		action: "Viewed|Completed|Submitted|Etc",
		name: "Name of the Event - Submitted Contact Form",
		value: "Optional Value - like how many rows saved, etc."
	{// any number of extra optional values.
	 // pass and empty hash if you dont want to pass optional values
		"1": ["Name", "Value", "page|visit"],
		"2": ["Name", "Value", "page|visit"],
		"3": ["Name", "Value", "page|visit"],
		"4": ["Name", "Value", "page|visit"],
		"5": ["Name", "Value", "page|visit"],
		"6": ["Name", "Value", "page|visit"]

Additional Piwik Documentation:

For trackEvent and trackPageView: http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-javascript http://developer.piwik.org/api-reference/tracking-api

- trackEvent(category, action, [name], [value]) - Logs an event with an event category (Videos, Music, Games...), an event action (Play, Pause, Duration, Add Playlist, Downloaded, Clicked...), and an optional event name and optional numeric value.
- trackPageView([customTitle]) - Logs a visit to this page

For custom event variables: http://piwik.org/blog/2012/10/using-custom-variables-in-piwik-tutorial