
v0.1.1Published 10 months ago

Static Assets Compiler for Meteor


  1. Install the package
meteor add epfl:static-assets


Once imported, static files will now be published at the path static/path/to/file. The default import will provide you with a string path to the file.

1import someImage from `/imports/client/an-image.svg`;
3console.log(someImage); // outputs static/imports/client/an-image.svg


The plugin options can be customized under a staticAssets entry in package.json. The default options are shown below:

2  "staticAssets": {
3    "extensions": [
4      "jpg",
5      "png",
6      "svg"
7    ],
8    "pathPrefix": "static/",
9    "exportAbsolutePaths": true
10  }

extensions: The file extensions that this plugin will handle. Changes to this option require a Meteor restart to take effect. pathPrefix: The prefix for the hosting path. The default prefix static/ will cause the file /imports/client/an-image.svg to be hosted at static/imports/client/an-image.svg. exportAbsolutePaths: Toggle whether or not to export absolute paths using Meteor.absoluteUrl. When true and using the development defaults, will change the exported path shown above from static/imports/client/an-image.svg to http://localhost:3000/static/imports/client/an-image.svg

Filtering unwanted files

If for some reason you need to filter the files that this plugin can see (for example to exclude the node_modules directory), remember that you can use the .meteorignore file for this purpose with any build plugin. See https://github.com/meteor/meteor/pull/9123 for more info.