
v0.0.1Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


So IjzerenHein's famous-flex is pretty friggin' awesome, and without a doubt the best community component for by a substantial distance. This is the start of a famous-views wrapper for it (for Meteor).

VERY EARLY RELEASE!!! Feel free to play around but don't use this for anything serious. Currently this only works for mjn:famous, support for raix:famono coming soon.

Live demo


  +ContainerSurface perspective=500 overflow="hidden"
    +FlexScrollView layout="WheelLayout" direction="Y" layoutOptions=layoutOptions
      +famousEach surfaces
        +Surface style=style
          | #{_id}


  • All attributes are parsed using famous-views and given on init (i.e. you can give either a string or fview string in the template, or use a template helper to give an actual value). So you can use any option mentioned

in the famous-flex docs.

  • layout, direction, layoutOptions are all reactive, see the

demo source for a good example.

  • If none of your layoutOptions are reactive, you can use straight JSON

directly from the template, e.g. layoutOptions='{ "itemSize": [50,90], "diameter": 500, "radialOpacity": 0 }'.

  • No problem to use a helper to return your own custom layout function to


You can also use {{#FlexLayoutController}} directly if you don't need scrolling.


famous-views is developed in my spare time. fview-flex is developed in my spare time from famous-views :) I'm not sure how quickly I'll get the full list below implemented, however, I'll definitely prioritize according to demand. Open an issue for feature / prioritization requests, and I'll try get to these first, especially if there are a lot of +1's.

  • Standard Layouts (full docs)

    • --- Non-scrollable ---
    • GridLayout
    • ProportionalLayout
    • HeaderFooterLayout (TODO, see what's different vs' one)
    • NavBarLayout
    • TabBarLayout
    • --- Scrollable ----
    • ListLayout (started, [ ] stickyHeaders)
    • CollectionLayout
    • WheelLayout
  • Widgets

    • DatePicker
    • TabBar
  • LayoutControllers, LayoutHelpers, etc.