
v0.0.1Published 2 months ago


Supports the best practices of writing Blaze templates

Blaze is awesome but writing the Js part of templates always felt a bit awkward. This package just provides a very thin layer of syntactic sugar on top of the standard API, so you can follow best practices outlined in the Blaze guide more easily.

Now you can turn this:

1You have clicked the button {{counter}} times.
1Template.hello.onCreated(function helloOnCreated() {
2  // counter starts at 0
3  this.counter = new ReactiveVar(0);
7  counter() {
8    return Template.instance().counter.get();
9  },
13  'click button'(event, instance) {
14    // increment the counter when button is clicked
15    instance.counter.set(instance.counter.get() + 1);
16  },

into that:

1You have clicked the button {{state.counter}} times.
1TemplateController('hello', {
3  state: {
4    counter: 0 // default value
5  },
7  events: {
8    'click button'() {
9      // increment the counter when button is clicked
10      this.state.counter += 1;
11    }
12  }

Table of contents


meteor add space:template-controller

Compatible with Meteor 1.2.x - 1.3.x


TemplateController(templateName, options)


Just pass in the template name like you would access Template.my_template


The options are the same as with standard Blaze templates but TemplateController supports best practices and common patterns.

Here is a template with all possible options:

1TemplateController('hello', {
3  // Validate the properties passed to the template from parents
4  props: new SimpleSchema({
5    messageCount: {
6      type: Number,
7      defaultValue: 0
8    }
9  }),
11  // Setup private reactive template state
12  state: {
13    counter: 0 // default value
14  },
16  // Lifecycle callbacks work exactly like with standard Blaze
17  onCreated() {},
18  onRendered() {},
19  onDestroyed() {},
21  // Helpers work like before but <this> is always the template instance!
22  helpers: {
23    someValue() {
24      return;
25    }
26  },
28  // Events work like before but <this> is always the template instance!
29  events: {
30    'click button'(event, instance) {
31      // this === instance
32    }
33  },
35  // These are added to the template instance but not exposed to the html
36  private: {
37    someProperty: 5,
38    someHelperFunction() {}
39  }


onCreated, onRenderd, onDestroyed

work exactly the same as with standard Blaze.

events, helpers

work exactly the same as normal but this inside the handlers is always a reference to the Template.instance(). In most cases that's what you want and would expect. You can still access the data context via

Accessing the Data Context of Child Templates

Sometimes you have child Blaze templates that trigger events but do not send the data context as event payload. Here is how you can always get a reference to the data context of the template where the event originated from:

1events: {
2  'click .from-child-template'(event) {
3     const childDataContext = Blaze.getData(;
4     // do something with the data
5  },

props: { clean: Function, validate: Function}

Any data passed to your component should be validated to avoid UI bugs that are hard to find. You can pass any object to the props option, which provides a clean and validate function. clean is called first and can be used to cleanup the data context before validating it (e.g: adding default properties, transforming values etc.). validate is called directly after and should throw validation errors if something does not conform the schema. This api is compatible but not limited to SimpleSchema.

This is a best practice outlined in the Blaze guide - validate data context section. TemplateController does provide a bit more functionality though: Any property you define in the schema is turned into a template helper that can be used as a reactive getter, also in the html template:

1TemplateController('message_count', {
2  props: new SimpleSchema({
3    messageCount: {
4      type: Number, // allows only integers!
5      defaultValue: 0
6    }
7  })
1<template name="message_count">
2  You have {{props.messageCount}} messages.

… and you can access the value of messageCount anywhere in helpers etc. with this.props.messageCount

a parent template can provide the messageCount prop with standard Blaze:

1<template name="parent">
2  {{> message_count messageCount=unreadMessagesCount}}

If the parent passes down anything else than an integer value for messageCount our component will throw a nice validation error.

state: { myProperty: defaultValue, … }

Each state property you define is turned into a ReactiveVar and you can get the value with this.state.myProperty and set it like a normal property this.state.myProperty = newValue. The reason why we are not using ReactiveVar directly is simple: we need a template helper to render it in our html template! So TemplateController actually adds a state template helper which returns this.state and thus you can render any state var in your templates like this:

1You have clicked the button {{state.counter}} times.

But you can also modify the state var easily in your Js code like this:

1events: {
2  'click button'() {
3    this.state.counter += 1;
4  }

Since each state var is turned into a separate reactive var you do not run into any reactivity issues with re-rendering too much portions of your template.

private: { myProperty: …, myMethod: … }

Any properties and methods you define on the private object will be added to your template instance and are available anywhere. This way you can easily define custom "private" helper methods to calculate or setup stuff. Do not confuse these with "template helpers" though, they are not accessible from the html template.

Here is a short and contrived example, but you get the point:

1TemplateController('hello', {
3  // These are exposed to the html template!
4  helpers: {
5    someValueForTheHtmlTemplate() {
6      // You can access the private helpers like this:
7      return this.sum(this.myValue, 5);
8    }
9  },
11  // These are just available on your template instance
12  private: {
13    myValue: 5,
14    sum(first, second) {
15      return first + second;
16    }
17  }

this.triggerEvent(eventName, data)

Provides syntactic sugar to trigger a custom jQuery event on the firstNode of your template. This equivalent to this.$(this.firstNode).trigger(eventName, data). As you rarely need to (or should) trigger custom events on sub-elements of the template we consider this simple wrapper as best practice.

Another important difference is that you cannot pass multiple event arguments like you can with the jQuery trigger api. We only allow a single argument on purpose, to promote the best practice of avoiding argument lists.

Here is a simple example:

1TemplateController('hello', {
2  events: {
3    'click button'() {
4      this.state.counter += 1;
5      this.triggerEvent('counterIncremented', this.state.counter);
6    }
7  }

if you need to include more event data just pass an object with named properties:

1this.triggerEvent('counterIncremented', {
2  value: incrementedValue,
3  timestamp: new Date()

In parent templates you can handle these custom events like this:

1TemplateController('some_parent_template', {
2  events: {
3    'counterIncremented'(event, instance, data) {
4      // do something with the event
5    }
6  }

Notice in the example above that it is not necessary (and even discouraged) to add a selector for the event handler (eg: 'counterIncremented .hello')! The problem with this approach is that you are coupling the parent template to the DOM structure and CSS classes of the child components while you are just interested in the events. If you need to handle many different events try to make the event names more specific like helloCounterIncremented instead of general purpose events like incremented which could be published by various components.

If you have multiple instance of the same reusable sub-component that you need to manage, wrap each instance in a separate DOM element and add a unique css class to the wrapper like this:

1<template name="some_parent_template">
2  <div class="first-counter">{{> counter}}</div>
3  <div class="second-counter">{{> counter}}</div>
4  <div class="third-counter">{{> counter}}</div>

Then you can easily distinguish where the events come from by using selectors:

1TemplateController('some_parent_template', {
2  events: {
3    'counterIncremented .first-counter'() {},
4    'counterIncremented .second-counter'() {},
5    'counterIncremented .third-counter'() {}
6  }

This way you are not coupling the controller code of some_parent_template to the internal DOM of the counter template but keep the control where it belongs! You can refactor and improve the counter template as you like now, as long as you keep the API contract (events) intact!

Single Root Element for your template

this.triggerEvent only works if you defined a single root element for your template like this:

1<template name="my_component">
2  <div class="my-component">
3    // other content
4  </div>

This is also a best practice that we recommend to avoid strange bugs when publishing jQuery events.

Internal APIs

In some situations you might need more control over your templates and want to use some of the internal helpers to reduce boilerplate even more.

Dynamically adding reactive properties to state and props

You can dynamically add new reactive properties to props and state in the onCreated hook:

1TemplateController('hello', {
2  onCreated() {
3    this.state.addProperty('counter', 0);
4  }  

This opens up interesting meta-programming capabilities like passing in schemas or models and generate state on the fly:

1TemplateController('hello', {
2  props: new SimpleSchema({
3    model: { type: Object, blackbox: true }
4  }),
5  onCreated() {
6    // Generate named reactive properties on the fly
7    this.state.addProperties(this.props.model);
8  }

Binding Functions to Template.instance()

There are two internal helper functions, which can be used to bind any function to run in the context of your template instance:

1// Bind a function to be bound to the Template.instance() -> returns new bound fn
2let bound = TemplateController.bindToTemplateInstance(Function);
3// Wrap all functions of the provided object -> updates object methods in-place!
4TemplateController.bindAllToTemplateInstance({ key: Function, ... });



Enables you to configure the props cleaning operation of libs like SimpleSchema. Checkout SimpleSchema clean docs to see your options.

Here is one example why removeEmptyStrings: true is the default config:

{{> button label=(i18n 'button_label') }}

i18n might initially return an empty string for your translation. This would cause an validation error because SimpleSchema removes empty strings by default when cleaning the data.

Release History

You can find the complete release history in the changelog




Licensed under the MIT license.