
v0.3.1Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor AutoForm Hint

Add hints to your quickForms, defined via SimpleSchema. Compatible with bootstrap3 and bootstrap4.

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub


meteor add jkuester:autoform-hint

If you want to use bootstrap 4 add the following package:

meteor add imajus:autoform-bootstrap4

This will auto-override the rendering method of afFormGroup_bootstrap3 and afFormGroup_bootstrap4 template. The template will keep all it's original functionality. Works also with bootstrap4.


Define a hint on your schema:

1new SimpleSchema({
2  username: {
3    type: String,
4    autoform: {
5      hint: 'Enter a username. Allowed characters are....'
6    }
7  },
8  password: {
9    type: String,
10    autoform: {
11      hint: 'Enter a password. Allowed characters are....'
12    }
13  }


Note, that the default position is on top next to the label. You can also define the position more precise using hintTop and hintBottom:

1new SimpleSchema({
2  username: {
3    type: String,
4    autoform: {
5      hintTop: 'Enter a username. Allowed characters are....'
6    }
7  },
8  password: {
9    type: String,
10    autoform: {
11      hintBottom: 'Enter a password. Allowed characters are....'
12    }
13  }

You can also customize the position / style by defining the following css classes:

1.afhint-bottom-block {
2  /* style here */
5.afhint-top-block {
6  /* style here */


MIT, 2018 Jan Küster