
v0.2.1Published 6 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

meteor-autoform-tags (Bootstrap 4)

AutoForm add-on, that provides an interactive tag input. Optimized for Bootstrap 4. See installation for getting a BS4 theme for your AutoForm.

Example Project

You can check out the latest published state of this package using this example project.



  • Moved to Bootstrap 4 theme, use 'card' as base for template
  • Range display default text is 'text-muted'
  • Display min/max range of tags when no tag is edited (and minCount/maxCount values are set via schema)
  • Display min/max range of characters if tag is edited (and min/max values are set via schema)
  • Cancel edit when hitting ESC or clicking outside of tag also on editing existing tags
  • Correct display of select options


You need aldeed:autoform >= 6 to use this package.
You can then install this package via

meteor add jkuester:autoform-tags

You manually need to install imajus:autoform-bootstrap4 in order to use this package. See the installation manual in the repo for setting up BS4 for your AutoForm.

Creating a Tag-Field by Schema


There are many options to configure this component. The most minimal approach is to define the autoform type to be 'tags':

2  tags: {
3    type: Array,      // all tags will be saved in an array
4      autoform: {
5        type: 'tags'  // indicate to use tags add-on
6      }
7    'tags.$': {
8      type: String
9    }
10  }
With Boundaries

You can limit the amount of tags as you can do with any array in autoform. Furthermore you can limit the min/max length of the characters that are valid for each tag.

Validation for array size will be done by AutoForm while validation of character length is done within the component.

2  tags: {
3    type: Array,      // all tags will be saved in an array
4    autoform: {
5      type: 'tags',   // indicate to use tags add-on
6      minCount: 2,    // minimum number of tags
7      maxCount: 8,    // maximum number of tags
8      max: 16,        // max length of a tag in chars
9      min: 4          // min length of a tag in chars
10    }
11  },
12  'tags.$': {
13    type: String,
14  }

Note that max, min, maxCount and minCount need all to be defined within the autoform property of the array in order to behave properly.

With Support

You can declare a placeholder text as call to action as well define a list of suggestions. If a user clicks a tag in the list, it is immediately added to the tag stack. This list can also be used as source for allowed values.

2  tags: {
3    type: Array,            // all tags will be saved in an array
4    autoform: {
5      placeholder: 'Enter a tag...',
6      type: 'tags',         // indicate to use tags add-on
7      options: () => [      // list of tags to be suggested
8        'apple', 
9        'cherry', 
10        'orange'
11        ],
12      onlyOptions: false    // if true only values in options are accepted
13    },
14    'tags.$': {
15      type: String
16    }
17  }
Full Example

You can also combine the above mentioned options:

2  tags: {
3    type: Array,          // all tags will be saved in an array
4    autoform: {
5      placeholder: 'Enter a tag...',
6      type: 'tags',       // indicate to use tags add-on
7      max: 16,            // max length of a tag in chars
8      min: 4,             // min length of a tag in chars
9      minCount: 2,          // minimum number of tags
10      maxCount: 8,          // maximum number of tags
11      options: () => [    // list of tags to be suggested
12        'apple',
13        'cherry',
14        'orange'
15        ],
16      onlyOptions: true   // if true only values in options are allowed
17    },
18    'tags.$': {
19      type: String,
20    }
21  }

Component Behavior and Interacting with Tags

  • You can click on the input or on the edit button to activate editing.

  • The input supports spaces between characters but trims whitespace to single space between characters.

  • To apply the entered tag hit either Enter, Tab or click the button with the check mark.

  • The entered text will remain, if the component looses focus but will not be applied.

  • If the same tag already exists in the stack, it will be highlighted on input. In this state the input is not accepted to be added to the stack.

  • If max or min are defined and the entered tag does not fulfill the requirements it will be highlighted together with the allowed text-size range, that appears in the upper-right part of the component.

  • Each tag can be edited by clicking the tag. Same functionality applies to the edited tag as for a new tag.

  • Each applies tag can be removed from the stack.

  • Clicking suggestions will add them immediatly to the stack and disable the selected ones.

Roadmap and Future Features

  • Enable/disable whitespaces via schema
  • Define bootstrap color-classes for highlighting doubles or insufficient character size via schema
  • Replace html icons with a library if such is installed
  • Support emojis / auto-transform tags into emojis