
v2.0.0Published 3 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


This is a fork of the deprecated Meteor http package. On the client it remains unchanged, while on the server it uses node-fetch instead of request. It (mostly) preserves the API of the original HTTP module.

HTTP provides an HTTP request API on the client and server. To use these functions, add the HTTP package to your project with $ meteor add http.

Installation and import

You can install this package via

$ meteor add jkuester:http

and import it into your code via

1import { HTTP } from 'meteor/jkuester:http'


The package preserves all the original API functionality, except npmRequestOptions (since request has been deprecated).

The API is documented in the API.md file


Your contributions are very welcomed. Please ensure to run tests via:

$ meteor test-packages ./ 


The original package is part of the Meteor core, which is MIT licensed. There is no intention to alter the license so this package preserves the original MIT license.