
v1.0.0Published 6 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

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Supporter class to create publications from a source object with minimal to no extra code.



Pass in an object of your publication definitions with respect to the given API. The factory will return a function that is ready to be passed to Meteor.publish and will behave according to your configuration.

API / Examples

Note: params is referring to the object that is passed to the create method. Also note, that params.collectionName is currently the only required property to be passed. All other properties are optional!

params.collectionName (String)

Pass the name of a collection for which you want to publish data. If no other parameters are passed, the whole collection's data will be published.


1const Cars = new Mongo.Collection('cars');
3const allCars = PublicationFactory.create({
4  collectionName: 'cars', // the collection to be published
7Meteor.publish("allCars", allCars);

params.query (Object)

You can define query behavior including transforming queries based on data, passed by clients.

params.query.server (Object)

You can define a static query using the server property. This is useful when your publication always publishes data by the same set of rules.

Falls back to {} if nothing is passed.

params.query.schema (Object)

Restrict client's query options using schema definition that is conform to check/Match. Basic SimpleSchema definitions can be used, too, as they both follow the property:Constructor pattern.

Complex restrictions however, can also be set using Match pattern.

params.query.transform (Function)

You can use this to define dynamic queries that respects users input and the default query on the server. You can also perform additional checks here.

Pass a function that accepts two parameters (queryClient - the current client's query object that is passed to the pub, queryServer - the default server query) and return your final query.


1const Cars = new Mongo.Collection('cars');
3const redCarsByYear = PublicationFactory.create({
4  collectionName: 'cars', // the collection to be published
5  query: {
6    schema: { year: Number },
7    server: { color: 'red' },
8    transform(queryClient, queryServer) {
9      return Object.assign({}, { year: { $gt: queryClient.year }, queryServer})
10    }
11  }
14Meteor.publish("redCarsByYear", redCarsByYear);

params.projection (Object)

Works the same way as params.query but for the projection values. Use transform to add custom logic for handling skip, limit etc.

params.security (Object)

The create method's parameter object accepts several security settings using the security property. By default each publication is checking this.userId against Meteor.users and throws an error if failing.

params.security.roles (String or [String])

Add roles (uses alanning:roles) and optional group definition to security to also check against roles. If no roles property is given, no roles check will be performed.

params.security.group (String)

Optional group definition as defined by alanning:roles.

params.security.users ([String])

  • You can add an array of user ids, named users to security in order to restrict for specific users.

This array can also be used in combination with roles where roles is first checked and then users. If a user passes the roles check but is not in the given pool of users, the check will fail. If no users property is given, no check will be performed.

params.security.disable (Boolean)

  • Add disable:true to security in order to surpass all prior mentioned security checks. In this case anyone can

subscribe to the publication and view data. Use with care!


1const Cars = new Mongo.Collection('cars');
3const prototypeCars = PublicationFactory.create({
4  collectionName: 'toys', // the collection to be published
5  security: {
6    roles: ['viewPrototypes'],
7    group: 'researchers',
8    members: ['someUserIdHere'],
9    disable: false,
10  }
14Meteor.publish("allToys", allToys);