
v3.2.1Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Simple Accounts system for Meteor.

This is a simple and custom Accounts system with config file. It is not dependant on routing, but there are examples how to configure your routes with Iron Router and Flow Router. You can configure your alerts/messages, validators and callback functions.


(With minimal styling, but you can do this very simple by adding your own css classes)




Blog post about it

Meteor Accounts based on sId package

Usage example in Scotty boilerplate


Just add the package:

meteor add juliancwirko:s-id

Full Config (all is optional and here you can overwrite defaults)

Place it somewhere where it will be accessible by Server and Client

1Meteor.startup(function () {
2    sId.config({
3        registerForm: {
4            mainClass: 's-id-register-form', // css class for main container - you can change it and style it like you want in your app
5            title: 'Register', // form title
6            leadText: 'Hi, join us!', // form description text
7            submitBtnLabel: 'Register' // button label text
8        },
9        loginForm: {
10            mainClass: 's-id-login-form',
11            title: 'Login',
12            leadText: 'Beam me up, Scotty!',
13            submitBtnLabel: 'Login'
14        },
15        forgotPassForm: {
16            mainClass: 's-id-forgot-password-form',
17            title: 'Forgot Password',
18            leadText: 'Please fill in email address!',
19            submitBtnLabel: 'Send New!'
20        },
21        resetPassForm: {
22            mainClass: 's-id-reset-password-form',
23            title: 'Reset Password',
24            leadText: 'Please fill in new password!',
25            submitBtnLabel: 'Set New!'
26        },
27        socialButtons: { // disable/enable social login/register buttons
28            'github': true,
29            'google': true,
30            'twitter': true,
31            'facebook': true,
32            'labels': { // labels for social buttons
33                'github': 'GitHub Access',
34                'google': 'Google Access',
35                'twitter': 'Twitter Access',
36                'facebook': 'Facebook Access'
37            }
38        },
39        // turn on e-mail verification.. without it user is still able to login, you can block it in the app by
40        // checking e-mail verified field
41        emailVerification: true,
42        // change it to 'true' if you need only e-mail field on register form (default there is username and e-mail)
43        registerEmailFieldOnly: false,
44        // you can turn on and off autologin after user creation - in default turned on
45        autoLoginAfterRegistration: true,
46        // you can pass empty messages object to turn it off
47        messages: {
48            verifyEmail: 'Verify your e-mail address',
49            verifiedEmail: 'Your email address was verified. Thanks!',
50            somethingWrong: 'Something went wrong! Here is the error message: ',
51            fillAllFields: 'Fill in all fields!',
52            loginNow: 'You can login now.',
53            sending: 'Sending...',
54            validEmail: 'E-mail should be a valid e-mail address!',
55            validPassword: 'Password should be at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase letter and at least six characters!',
56            validUsername: 'Username should be at least 3 characters long and max 12 characters!',
57            // placeholders
58            loginNamePlaceholderEmailOnly: 'E-mail',
59            loginNamePlaceholder: 'Username or E-mail',
60            usernamePlaceholder: 'Username',
61            passwordPlaceholder: 'Password',
62            emailPlaceholder: 'E-mail',
63            newPasswordPlaceholder: 'New password'
64        },
65        // should return true or false - you can overwrite these functions in your app sId config...
66        // also remember to adjust your error messages (config above)
67        validateUsername: function (username) {
68            var min = 3;
69            var max = 12;
70            if (username && username.length >= min && username.length <= max) {
71                return true;
72            }
73            return false;
74        },
75        validatePassword: function (password) {
76            var r = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{6,}/;
77            if (password && r.test(password)) {
78                return true;
79            }
80            return false;
81        },
82        validateEmail: function (email) {
83            var r = /^(([^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@(([^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]+\.)+[^<>()[\]\.,;:\s@\"]{2,})$/i;
84            if (r.test(email)) {
85                return true;
86            }
87            return false;
88        },
89        onLogged: function () {
90            // callback after successful login
91            // it could be for example Router.go('/') or FlowRouter.go('/dashboard') or any other
92        },
93        onRegistered: function () {
94            // callback after successful registration
95        },
96        onForgotPassword: function () {
97            // callback after successful on forgot password action
98        },
99        onResetPassword: function () {
100            // callback after successful password reset
101        },
102        getPasswordResetToken: function () {
103            // here you should return reset password tokent from your route param
104            // you should have configured route: '/reset-password/:resetToken',
105            // then with Iron Router you can do something like:
106            //
107            // With Iron Router
108            // return Router.current().params.resetToken; or with Flow Router
109            // or with Flow Router
110            // return FlowRouter.getParam('resetToken');
111        }
112    });

You can configure/overwrite here validator functions and messages strings. If you want to remove username, password or e-mail validation just 'return true' in a particular validator function.

You can configure your routes for each view if you want. You can use Iron Router or Flow Router it is up to you because here you will get only templates and couple of config functions which will alow you to configure your login, register callbacks. Below you will find some examples for Iron Router and Flow Router. Templates to use are:

  • sIdLoginView
  • sIdRegisterView
  • sIdForgotPasswordView
  • sIdResetPasswordView

Example routes which you can use in your app (Iron Router example)

Routes names are important here.

1Router.map(function() {
2    this.route('sIdLoginView', {
3        path: '/login',
4    });
5    this.route('sIdRegisterView', {
6        path: '/register'
7    });
8    this.route('sIdForgotPasswordView', {
9        path: '/forgot-password'
10    });
11    this.route('sIdResetPasswordView', {
12        path: '/reset-password/:resetToken'
13    });

Example routes which you can use in your app (Flow Router and Blaze Layout example)

1FlowRouter.route('/login', {
2    name: 'sIdLoginView',
3    action: function () {
4        BlazeLayout.render('layout', {main: 'sIdLoginView'});
5    }
7FlowRouter.route('/register', {
8    name: 'sIdRegisterView',
9    action: function () {
10        BlazeLayout.render('layout', {main: 'sIdRegisterView'});
11    }
13FlowRouter.route('/forgot-password', {
14    name: 'sIdForgotPasswordView',
15    action: function () {
16        BlazeLayout.render('layout', {main: 'sIdForgotPasswordView'});
17    }
19FlowRouter.route('/reset-password', {
20    name: 'sIdResetPasswordView',
21    action: function () {
22        BlazeLayout.render('layout', {main: 'sIdResetPasswordView'});
23    }

Basicaly you just use ready to go templates from the package and some callbacks which you can configure.

You can then use (somewhere in your templates):

1{{#if currentUser}}
2    <a href="#" class="js-logout">Logout</a></li>
4    <a href="/login">Login</a>
5    <a href="/register">Register</a>

Logout event by Meteor.logout(function () { console.log('logged out!') }) - see docs.meteor.com

Log the user in using an external service

You can log/sign in using an external service. For now it is GitHub, Google, Twitter

If you want to use social buttons (enabled by default) You have to setup your settings.json file : Meteor Docs

Example (settings.json in your app root folder):

    "private": {
        "github": {
            "clientId": "{your github API client id here}",
            "secret": "{your google API secret key here}"
        "google": {
            "clientId": "{your google API client id here}",
            "secret": "{your google API secret key here}"
        "twitter": {
            "consumerKey": "{your twitter API customer key here}",
            "secret": "{your twitter API secret key here}"
        "facebook": {
    		"appId": "{your facebook API app id here}",
    		"secret": "{your facebook API secret key here}"

You can generate your API keys on these sites:

Then you should run your app with: meteor --settings settings.json

You will find more in Meteor Docs.

Be carefull with Twitter - the email of logged in user isn't avaible

User data transformation on user creation

If you want to transform data in your user collection you can use Accounts.onCreateUser


1Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
2    if (user.services.github) {
4        user.username = user.services.github.username;
5        user.emails = [];
6        user.emails.push({
7            address: user.services.github.email,
8            verified: true
9        });
11        return user;
12    }
14    if (user.services.google) {
16        user.username = user.services.google.email;
17        user.emails = [];
18        user.emails.push({
19            address: user.services.google.email,
20            verified: true
21        });
23        return user;
24    }
26    if (user.services.facebook) {
28        user.username = user.services.facebook.email;
29        user.emails = [];
30        user.emails.push({
31            address: user.services.facebook.email,
32            verified: true
33        });
35        return user;
36    }
38    if (user.services.twitter) {
40        user.username = user.services.twitter.screenName;
41        return user;
43    }
45    return user;

Form Validation Alerts

This package uses another Meteor package called juliancwirko:s-alert. You don't need to install it, but you might want to see how to configure it. You'll find the documentation here: s-alert.meteorapp.com.

If you don't want to configure it just place {{> sAlert}} template in your main template in the app.


There will be more customization in the future. For now you can use mainClass (sId config) as a namespace for DOM elements which has its own ids and classes. As you can see if you provide your own css class in the config you will get simple unstyled template.

You can take the package style.css file as a reference.

It is also integrated with s-alert notifications

If you want you can play with excelent package for overwriting templates: aldeed:template-extension

Sending Emails

You can configure Mailgun with Meteor.


1Meteor.startup(function () {
2    process.env.MAIL_URL = 'smtp://postmaster@{your-data}.mailgun.org:{your-data}@smtp.mailgun.org:587';

Apps using it:

Let me know if you want you app listed here ;)


  • v3.2.1 - login username e-mail type #5
  • v3.2.0 - changed default styles
  • v3.1.2 - v3.1.3 new option autoLoginAfterRegistration #4
  • v3.1.1 small improvements
  • v3.1.0 registerEmailFieldOnly option see: #3
  • v3.0.2 versions bump
  • v3.0.1 versions bump
  • v3.0.0 added email verification option, added messages config, added validators config, docs changes
  • v2.0.0 added Facebook service (thanks to @yankeyhotel), settings.json structure changed (see example above)
  • v1.0.2 fix forgot password link usage
  • v1.0.1 fix onLogged() callback with external services like Google etc.
  • v1.0.0 is not depended on Iron Router anymore. You should use templates and make your own routes (example above). You can use onLogged, onRegistered, onForgotPassword, onResetPassword callbacks in config to make (for example) redirections.