
v1.0.0Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor HTTP Factory

JavaScript Style Guide Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub file size in bytes GitHub

Create Meteor WebApp (connect) HTTP middleware. Lightweight. Simple.

With this package you can define factory functions to create a variety of Meteor HTTP routes. Decouples definition from instantiation (also for the schema) and allows different configurations for different types of HTTP routes.

Minified size < 2KB!

Why do I want this?

  • Decouple definition from instantiation
  • Easy management between own and externally defined middleware on a local or global level
  • Validate http request arguments (query/body) the same way as you do with mdg:validated-method
  • Just pass in the schema as plain object, instead of manually instantiating SimpleSchema
  • Easy builtin reponse schema, allowing you to either return a value (to create 200 responses) or throw an Error

(for 500 responses). You can still customize responses via req, res and next.

  • Easy data access and update between handlers using this.data()


Simply add this package to your meteor packages

$ meteor add leaonline:http-factory


Import the createHTTPFactory function and create the factory function from it. The factory function can obtain the following arguments (*=optional):

  • path: String*
  • schema: Object* - depends on, if schemaFactory is defined
  • method: String* - if defined, one of ['get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'trace', 'patch']
  • validate: Function* - if defined, a validation function that should throw an Error if validation fails
  • run: Function - always required, the middleware handler to run on the current request

Basic example

To make life easier for you, the requests' query or body data is wrapped before the run call into a universal object. No need to directly access req.query or req.body and check for properties. You can instead use the function environment's data method:

1import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
2const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory() // default, no params
5  path: '/greetings',
6  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
7    const { name } = this.data() // use this to get the current query/body data
8    return `Hello, ${name}`
9  }

This code creates a http route, that is handled on any incoming HTTP request (get, post etc.) and assumes either in query or on body (depending on request type) to find a parameter, named name. Try it via the following client code:

1import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'
3HTTP.get('/greetings', { params: { name: 'Ada' }}, (err, res) => {
4  console.log(res.content) // 'Hello, Ada'

Use WebApp.rawConnectHandlers

If you need to define handlers before any other handler, just pass in the raw option:

1import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
2const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory() // default, no params
5  raw: true,
6  path: '/greetings',
7  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
8    const { name } = this.data()
9    return `Hello, ${name}`
10  }

Create universal handlers

You can omit path on order to run the handler at the root level. This is often used for middleware like cors.

Specify a method

If you specify a HTTP method (one of ['get', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'trace', 'patch']) your request will only be handled with the correct request method:

1import { WebApp } from 'meteor/webapp'
2import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
3import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
5WebApp.connectHandlers.urlEncoded(bodyParser /*, options */) // inject body parser
7const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory() // default, no params
9  path: '/greetings',
10  method: 'post',
11  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
12    const { name } = this.data()
13    return `Hello, ${name}`
14  }

The data will now contain the body data. Note, that you may need to install npm body-parser to work with body content, that is not form data encoded.

Passing data to the next handler

We also made updating data much easier for you. You can pass an Object to the this.data() method in order to attach new properties to a request or update existsing ones:

1import { WebApp } from 'meteor/webapp'
2import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
4const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory() // default, no params
6  path: '/greetings',
7  method: 'get',
8  run: function (req, res, next ) {
9    const { name } = this.data()
10    const updateData = {}
11    if (name === 'Ada') {
12      updateData.title = 'Mrs.'
13    }
14    if (name === 'Bob') {
15      updateData.title = 'Mr.'
16    }
17    this.data(updateData)
18    next()
19  }
23  path: '/greetings',
24  method: 'get',
25  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
26    const { name, title } = this.data()
27    return `Hello, ${title} ${name}`
28  }

If you call the route, it will contain now the updated data:

1import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'
3HTTP.get('/greetings', { params: { name: 'Ada' }}, (err, res) => {
4  console.log(res.content) // 'Hello, Mrs. Ada'
7HTTP.get('/greetings', { params: { name: 'Bob' }}, (err, res) => {
8  console.log(res.content) // 'Hello, Mr. Ada'

Responding with errors

If a requests is intended to return a fail / error response (400/500 types) you may use our simple solutions, that cover most of the cases, while ensuring your run code contains logic and not response handling.

Throwing 500 errors

If your run method is throwing an Error, then it will be catched and transformed to a 500response:

1import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
2const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory() // default, no params
5  path: '/greetings',
6  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
7    const { name } = this.data()
8    if (!name) throw new Error('Expected name')
9    return `Hello, ${name}`
10  }

The err param in the callback will then not be null but contain the error response:

1import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'
3HTTP.get('/greetings', {}, (err, res) => {
4  const error = err.response
5  console.log(error.statusCode) // 500
6  console.log(error.data.title) // 'Internal Server Error'
7  console.log(error.data.description) // 'An unintended error occurred.'
8  console.log(error.data.info) // Expected name

Handle custom error responses

If you have a custom error response to return, you can use the builtin this.handleError method:

1import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
2const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory() // default, no params
5  path: '/greetings',
6  run: function (req, res, next) {
7    const data = this.data()
8    if (!data.name) {
9      return this.error({ 
10          code: 400,
11          title: 'Bad Request',
12          description: 'Malformed query or body.'
13      })
14    }
15    return `Hello, ${data.name}`
16  }

With schema

In order to take the burden of input validation from you, we have added a nice schema validation mechanism. It works similar to the way mdg:validated-method.

We support various ways to validate an input schema. To decouple schema definition from instantiation, we introduced a shemaFactory, which is basically a function that creates your schema for this collection. This also ensures, that different HTTP routes don't share the same schema instances.

Using SimpleSchema

1import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
2import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
4const schemaFactory = definitions => new SimpleSchema(definitions)
5const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory({ schemaFactory })
8  path: '/greetings',
9  schema: {
10    name: String
11  },
12  run: function (req, res, next) {
13    const { name } = this.data()
14    return `Hello, ${name}`
15  }

Call the method via

1HTTP.get('/greetings', { params: { name: 'Ada' }}, (err, res) => {
2  console.log(res.content) // 'Hello, Ada'

provoke a fail via

1HTTP.get('/greetings', (err, res) => {
2  const error = err.response
3  console.log(error.statusCode) // 400
4  console.log(error.data.title) // 'Bad request'
5  console.log(error.data.description) // 'Malformed query or body.'
6  console.log(error.data.info) // Name is required <-- SimpleSchema error message

Overriding validate when using schema

You can also override the internal validate when using schema by passing a validate function. This, however, disables the schema validation and is then your responsibility:

1import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
2import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
4const schemaFactory = definitions => new SimpleSchema(definitions)
5const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory({ schemaFactory })
8  path: '/greetings',
9  schema: {
10    name: String
11  },
12  validate: () => {},
13  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
14    const { name } = this.data()
15    return `Hello, ${name}`
16  }

and then call via

1HTTP.get('/greetings', (err, res) => {
2  console.log(res.content) // 'Hello, undefined'

If none of these cover your use case, you can still create your own validation middleware.

Using check

You can also use Meteor's builtin check and Match for schema validation:

1import { check } from 'meteor/check'
2import { MyCollection } from '/path/to/MyCollection'
3import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
5const schemaFactory = schema => ({
6  validate (args) {
7    check(args, schema)
8  }
11const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory({ schemaFactory })
13  path: '/greetings',
14  schema: {
15    name: String
16  },
17  run: function (/* req, res, next */) {
18    const { name } = this.data()
19    return `Hello, ${name}`
20  }

Note, that some definitions for SimpleSchema and check/Match may differ.

Using middleware

Often you need to use third-party middle ware, such as cors or jwt. This package makes it super easy to do so.

Define global middleware

First, you can define global middleware that is not bound to the factory environment, which allows for highest compatibility. Just define it with a property name, that is not one of schemaFactory, raw:

1import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
2import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
4// is is just some simple example validation
5// of non-standard a-auth-token header
6const isValidToken = req => req.headers['x-auth-token'] === Meteor.settings.xAuthToken
7const simpleAuthExternal = function (req, res, next) {
8  if (!isValidToken(req)) {
9    // external middleware is neither bound to the environment
10    // nor affected in any way, so it can 100% maintin it's logic
11    // however, this.error is not available here
12    const body = JSON.stringify({ title: 'Permission Denied' })
13    res.writeHead(403, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
14    res.end(body)
15  }
16  next()
19// pass in this middleware on the abstract factory level
20// to make all routes of all methods to use this
21// additionally, use raw: true in order to ensure this is 
22// run at the very first, before any package-level handlers
23const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory({
24  simpleAuth: simpleAuthExternal,
25  raw: true
29  path: '/greetings',
30  method: 'get',
31  run: function () {
32    const { name } = this.data()
33    return `Hello, ${name}`
34  }

now your requests will run through this middleware:

1HTTP.get('/greetings', (err, res) => {
2  const error = err.response
3  console.log(error.statusCode) // 403
4  console.log(errpr.data.title) // 'Permission Denid'
7const params = { name: 'Ada' }
8const headers = { 'x-auth-token': Meteor.settings.xAuthToken } // warning: passing secrets to the client is unsafe
9HTTP.get('/greetings', { params, headers }, (err, res) => {
10  console.log(res.content) // Hello, Ada

Define route-specific middleware

You can also define external middleware on a specific route without affecting other routes. Just define it with a property name, that is not one of path, schema, method, run, validate:

1import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
2import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
3import { simpleAuthExternal } from '/path/to/simpleAuthExternal'
5const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory()
8  path: '/greetings',
9  simpleAuth: simpleAuthExternal,
10  method: 'get',
11  run: function () {
12    const { name } = this.data()
13    return `Hello, ${name}`
14  }

It will work only on this route with this method, other routes won't be affected.

Define middleware using the internal environment

This becomes a bit redundant, but if you like to run middlware using the internal enviroment, you need to place as the run method:

1import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
2import { createHTTPFactory } from 'meteor/leaonline:http-factory'
4const createHttpRoute = createHTTPFactory()
6// is is just some simple example validation
7// of non-standard a-auth-token header
8const isValidToken = req => req.headers['x-auth-token'] === Meteor.settings.xAuthToken
9const simpleAuthInternal = function (req, res, next) {
10 if (!isValidToken(req)) {
11   // internally defined middleware can make use of the environment
12   return this.error({
13     code: 403,
14     title: 'Permission Denied'
15   })
16 }
17 next()
21 path: '/greetings',
22 method: 'get',
23 run: simpleAuthInternal
27 path: '/greetings',
28 method: 'get',
29 run: function () {
30   const { name } = this.data()
31   return `Hello, ${name}`
32 }


We use standard as code style and for linting.

via npm
$ npm install --global standard snazzy
$ standard | snazzy
via Meteor npm
$ meteor npm install --global standard snazzy
$ standard | snazzy


We use meteortesting:mocha to run our tests on the package.

Watch mode
$ TEST_WATCH=1 TEST_CLIENT=0 meteor test-packages ./ --driver-package meteortesting:mocha
Cli mode
