
v0.7.3Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


It was deprecated.

Use leesangwon:i18n.


Internationalization Package supporting string and time for Meteor JS

It is inspired by the i18n package in Telescope.


Main features are:

  • It is simple.
  • It is hierachy structured.
  • It support simple format string.
  • It uses moment.js
  • It support modular files.

How to use


It uses moment.js.

meteor add leesangwon:moment

Install this package to your project

meteor add leesangwon:mira-i18n

Write your own language pack.

Refer to the sample in the source: /test/lang/en.js

Put the language pack file in the directory /lib or /lib/lang.

Write the initialization code.

It should be loaded later than the package, so /client/main.js is good position.

1I18n.registerLanguage('ko', I18nLanguagePack_ko);

where I18nLanguagePack_ko is the Object name declared in your language pack.

Call the helper in your Template as follows:

1<template name="post">
2  <label>{{i18n "accounts.user.profile.name"}}</label>
3  <p>{{i18n "error.invalid" 0=key 1=value}}</p>

where there should be defined in the language pack as follows:

1I18nLanguagePack_ko = {
2  accounts: {
3    user: {
4      profile: {
5        name: "John Smith"
6      }
7    }
8  }
10  error: {
11    invalid: "Invalid input for key: {0} and value: {1}"
12  }

and key, value should be the data in the data context or helper variables.

Modular Pack

If you want to separate the language pack into multiple files, especially useful in packages, I think, It will give you the solution.

First, separate the pack into multiple file. Refer to the samples in the source /test/lang/en_accounts.js.

Second, call I18n.addPartial(...) when needed. Refer to the /test/i18n-test.js in the source.

Done. That's all.