
v1.8.0Published 3 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Camera Package

Add it to your Meteor app with meteor add mdg:camera. The api is super simple - there is only one function to call.

check recent changes here

MeteorCamera.getPicture([options], callback)

Prompt the user to take a photo with their device and get the picture as a Data URI in JPEG format.


options is an optional argument that is an Object with the following possible keys:

  • width An integer that specifies the minimum width of the returned photo.
  • height An integer that specifies the minimum height of the returned photo.
  • quality A number from 0 to 100 specifying the desired quality of JPEG encoding.
  • destinationType For Cordova ONLY. Pass in URI to get back file uri instead of base64 image (the default). If you want to display the photo taken see Local Files section in the Guide and use the WebAppLocalServer.localFileSystemUrl() function for convert the file:// url.

You can use other options from Cordova Camera Options on Cordova as they get passed on.

callback(error, data)

callback is a required argument that is a function that takes two arguments:

  • error A Meteor.Error with a platform-specific error message.
  • data A base64-encoded data URI for the image taken by the camera. This parameter can be used directly in the 'src' attribute of an image tag.

Warning: In the iOS simulator, the device camera is not accessible, so you will get an error that says "source type 1 not available." I'm working on a fallback for iOS that will use the photo library when the camera is not available, but for now just test in your web browser, a physical device, or the Android simulator.


Replace these fields before executing MeteorCamera.getPicture() like:

1MeteorCamera.locale.errorBrowserNotSupported = "Sorry, this browser is currently not supported for camera functionality.";
2MeteorCamera.locale.errorAccesingCamera = "There was an error accessing the camera.";
3MeteorCamera.locale.usePhoto = "Use Photo";
4MeteorCamera.locale.takeNewPhoto = "Take New Photo";
5MeteorCamera.locale.waitingPermissions = "Waiting for camera permissions...";
6MeteorCamera.locale.takePhoto = "Take Photo";
7MeteorCamera.locale.cancel = "Cancel";
8MeteorCamera.locale.closePopup = "Close Popup";
9MeteorCamera.locale.permissionsDenied = "Camera Permissions Denied";
10MeteorCamera.locale.permissionsDeniedExp = "You have denied this app permission to use your camera. If you would like to allow permissions, follow the directions for your browser below.";
11MeteorCamera.locale.howToChrome = 'Go to Settings > "Show advanced settings..." > "Content settings..." > Media heading > "Manage exceptions...", then find this website in the list and allow video capture.';
12MeteorCamera.locale.howToFirefox = "Reload the page and try again.";
13MeteorCamera.locale.howToOpera = 'Go to Preferences > Websites > Media heading > "Manage exceptions...", then find this website in the list and allow video capture.';

with corresponding translations in your language.

Runtime permissions

When using camera or any other native mobile phone features in Cordova it is necessary to request permissions at a runtime. In such a case you need to add the cordova diagnostic plugin which manages that.

You can add it with

meteor add cordova:cordova.plugins.diagnostic@6.0.3

See their documentations for more details.