
v1.5.2Published 3 years ago

Meteor Camera Package

Add it to your Meteor app with meteor add mdg:camera. The api is super simple - there is only one function to call.

check recent changes here

MeteorCamera.getPicture([options], callback)

Prompt the user to take a photo with their device and get the picture as a Data URI in JPEG format.


options is an optional argument that is an Object with the following possible keys:

  • width An integer that specifies the minimum width of the returned photo.
  • height An integer that specifies the minimum height of the returned photo.
  • quality A number from 0 to 100 specifying the desired quality of JPEG encoding.

callback(error, data)

callback is a required argument that is a function that takes two arguments:

  • error A Meteor.Error with a platform-specific error message.
  • data A base64-encoded data URI for the image taken by the camera. This parameter can be used directly in the 'src' attribute of an image tag.

Warning: In the iOS simulator, the device camera is not accessible so you will get an error that says "source type 1 not available." I'm working on a fallback for iOS that will use the photo library when the camera is not available, but for now just test in your web browser, a physical device, or the Android simulator.


Replace these fields before executing MeteorCamera.getPicture() like:

1MeteorCamera.locale.errorBrowserNotSupported = "Sorry, this browser is currently not supported for camera functionality.";
2MeteorCamera.locale.errorAccesingCamera = "There was an error accessing the camera.";
3MeteorCamera.locale.usePhoto = "Use Photo";
4MeteorCamera.locale.takeNewPhoto = "Take New Photo";
5MeteorCamera.locale.waitingPermissions = "Waiting for camera permissions...";
6MeteorCamera.locale.takePhoto = "Take Photo";
7MeteorCamera.locale.cancel = "Cancel";
8MeteorCamera.locale.closePopup = "Close Popup";
9MeteorCamera.locale.permissionsDenied = "Camera Permissions Denied";
10MeteorCamera.locale.permissionsDeniedExp = "You have denied this app permission to use your camera. If you would like to allow permissions, follow the directions for your browser below.";
11MeteorCamera.locale.howToChrome = 'Go to Settings > "Show advanced settings..." > "Content settings..." > Media heading > "Manage exceptions...", then find this website in the list and allow video capture.';
12MeteorCamera.locale.howToFirefox = "Reload the page and try again.";
13MeteorCamera.locale.howToOpera = 'Go to Preferences > Websites > Media heading > "Manage exceptions...", then find this website in the list and allow video capture.';

with corresponding translations in your language.