
v1.3.0Published 10 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Exposing Internal Meteor Apis to Hack Meteor Easily

Available APIs - Server Side

  • MeteorX.Session - livedata Session
  • MeteorX.Subscription - livedata Subscription
  • MeteorX.SessionCollectionView - livedata SessionCollectionView
  • MeteorX.SessionDocumentView - livedata SessionDocumentView
  • MeteorX.MongoConnection - mongo-livedata MongoConnection
  • MeteorX.MongoCursor - mongo-livedata Cursor


  • with mrt: mrt add meteorx
  • with 0.9: meteor add meteorhacks:meteorx

What you can do with this

Think about your meteor related issues and fix them. Some of them are:

  • Unblock Subscriptions
  • Remove MergeBox