
v0.1.0Published 8 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Publish Performant Counts

A package to help you publish the count of a cursor in near real time. Interval based counting suitable for very large collections and high user load.

##Publish from server

Be sure to define counters outside of publish function so there is only 1 instance per server. If done inside the publish function, it would be 1 counter per subscription/user.

new Counter(name, cursor, [updateInterval])

updateInterval defaults to 10000, which will update the count every 10 seconds.

var counter = new Counter('countCollection', Collection.find({}));

Meteor.publish('countPublish', function() {
  return counter;

Subscribe from client

Subscribe to the publication from client side code.


Blaze Usage

Define a global helper

UI.registerHelper("getCount", function(name) {
      return Counter.get(name);

Call from within a template

{{getCount 'countCollection'}}


Inspired by publish-counts which is great, but does run into performance issues with large collections

Performant solution derived directly from bullet-counter
