
v1.0.6Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Reactive meta tags and CSS for meteor within iron-router

Change meta tags on the fly within iron-router. This package can create meta tags, and link tags as well.

This package may also help to use dynamic CSSs, so you may use different style sheets - for different routes.

This package supports meta and link options (properties) defined on objects below, ordered by prioritization:

  • Router.route() [overrides all]
  • RouteController.extend()
  • Router.configure() [might be overridden by any above]

Note: this package implies ostrio:iron-router-title package.


meteor add ostrio:iron-router-meta

Demo application:



Change CSS per route:

1# Set default CSS for all routes
3  link:
4    stylesheet: "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/2.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"
6# Rewrite default CSS, for second route, via controller:
7secondPageController = RouteController.extend
8  link:
9    stylesheet: "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css"
10Router.route 'secondPage', controller: secondPageController
12# Rewrite default CSS, for third route via route settings:
13Router.route 'thirdPage', 
14  link:
15    stylesheet: "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.0.0-alpha/css/bootstrap.min.css"

Set default values in Router.configure()

2  meta:
3    charset:
4      charset: 'UTF-8'
5    keywords: 
6      name: 'keywords'
7      itemprop: 'keywords'
8      content: 'Awesome, Meteor, based, app'
9    robots: 'index, follow'
10    google: 'notranslate'
12  link:
13    canonical: ->
14      window.location.href
15    image:
16      rel: 'image'
17      sizes: '500x500'
18      href: 'http://doma..'
19    publisher: 'http://plus.google...'

Then override default values in each route:

1Router.route 'account',
2  template: 'account'
3  path: '/me/account'
4  title: 'My Account'
5  meta:
6    keywords: 
7      name: 'keywords'
8      itemprop: 'keywords'
9      content: 'User, Account'

Set tags via RouteController:

1accountController = RouteController.extend(meta: keywords: 'User, Account')
2Router.route 'account', controller: accountController

Set only name and content attributes on meta tag:

1Router.route 'routeName',
2  meta:
3    name: 'content'

Set only rel and href attributes on link tag:

1Router.route 'routeName',
2  link:
3    rel: 'href'

Set multiple attributes on meta tag:

1Router.route 'routeName',
2  meta:
3    uniqueName: 
4      name: 'name'
5      content: 'content'
6      value: 'value'
7      'og:prop': 'value'
8      itemprop: 'value'

Set multiple attributes on link tag:

1Router.route 'routeName',
2  link:
3    uniqueName: 
4      rel: 'name'
5      sizes: 'value'
6      href: 'value'
7      type: 'value'

You can pass functions as value:

1Router.route 'routeName',
2  meta:
3    url:
4      property: 'og:url'
5      itemprop: 'url'
6      content: ->
7        window.location.href
8  link:
9    canonical: ->
10      window.location.href

Use function context:

1Router.route 'post',
2  template: 'post'
3  path: '/post/:_id'
4  meta: ->
5    keywords: 
6      name: 'keywords'
7      itemprop: 'keywords'
8      content: ->
9        @data.getKeywords()
10  data:
11    getKeywords: ->
12      Collection.Posts.findOne(@params._id).keywords

Sample config

2  meta:
3    # <meta charset="UTF-8">
4    charset:
5      charset: 'UTF-8'
7    # <meta name="keywords" content="Awes..">
8    keywords: 
9      name: 'keywords'
10      itemprop: 'keywords'
11      content: 'Awesome, Meteor, based, app' 
13    # <meta name="description" itemprop="description" property="og:description" content="Default desc..">
14    description:
15      name: 'description'
16      itemprop: 'description'
17      property: 'og:description'
18      content:  'Default description'
20    image:
21      name: 'twitter:image'
22      itemprop: 'image'
23      property: 'og:image'
24      content: 'http://doma..'
26    'og:type': 'website'
27    'og:title': ->
28      document.title
29    'og:site_name': 'My Awesome Site'
31    url:
32      property: 'og:url'
33      itemprop: 'url'
34      content: ->
35        window.location.href
37    'twitter:card': 'summary'
38    'twitter:title': ->
39      document.title
40    'twitter:description': 'Default description'
41    'twitter:site': 
42      name: 'twitter:site'
43      value: '@twitterAccountName'
44    'twitter:creator': 
45      name: 'twitter:creator'
46      value: '@twitterAccountName'
48    'http-equiv':
49      'http-equiv': 'X-UA-Compatible'
50      content: 'IE=edge,chrome=1'
52    robots: 'index, follow'
53    google: 'notranslate'
56  link:
57    # <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/..." rel="stylesheet">
58    stylesheet: "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/2.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"
60    # <link rel="canonical" href="http://doma..">
61    canonical: ->
62      window.location.href
64    # <link rel="image" sizes="500x500" href="http://doma..">
65    image:
66      rel: 'image'
67      sizes: '500x500'
68      href: 'http://doma..'
70    publisher: 'http://plus.google...'
72    'shortcut icon':
73      rel: 'shortcut icon'
74      type: 'image/x-icon'
75      href: 'http://domai...'
77    'icon':
78      rel: 'icon'
79      type: 'image/png'
80      href: 'http://domai...'
82    'apple-touch-icon-144':
83      rel: 'apple-touch-icon'
84      sizes: '144x144'
85      href: 'http://doma..'
86    'apple-touch-icon-114':
87      rel: 'apple-touch-icon'
88      sizes: '114x114'
89      href: 'http://doma..'
90    'apple-touch-icon-72':
91      rel: 'apple-touch-icon'
92      sizes: '72x72'
93      href: 'http://doma..'
94    'apple-touch-icon-57':
95      rel: 'apple-touch-icon'
96      sizes: '57x57'
97      href: 'http://doma..'