
v2.1.1Published 7 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Template helpers


  • 100% tests coverage
  • Compare values with conditions - {{#if compare one '===' two}} ... {{/if}};
  • Get/set Session - {{Session 'key' set='value'}}, {{#if Session 'key'}} ... {{/if}};
  • Use underscore's functions - {{#if _ 'isString' 'one'}} ... {{/if}};
  • Debug/log passed objects as a string to template - {{log this.someVal 'string' object="value"}}.


meteor add ostrio:templatehelpers


Get or set session value from views via Session helper

<!-- To get value -->
{{Session 'key'}}

<!-- To set value -->
{{Session 'key' set="new value"}}

<!-- To set default value -->
{{Session 'key' set="new value" action="setDefault"}}


Template debugging - Log arguments into browser's console with output into template

{{log 'val' opt='val2' opt2=variable}}

Underscore (all methods)

Execute underscore methods in template

{{#if _ 'isString' 'one'}}

Compare helpers

Compare two values in template
{{#if compare 'one' '>' 'two'}}
  <!-- ... -->
{{compare 'one' 'gt' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'greaterThan' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '>=' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'gte' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'greaterThanEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '<' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lt' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lessThan' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '<=' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lte' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'lessThanEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '===' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'is' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '!==' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'isnt' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '==' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'isEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '!=' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'isNotEqual' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '&&' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'and' 'two'}}

{{compare 'one' '&!' 'two'}} <!-- (a && !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!&' 'two'}} <!-- (!a && b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!&!' 'two'}} <!-- (!a && !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!&&' 'two'}} <!-- !(a && b) -->
{{compare 'one' 'nand' 'two'}} <!-- !(a && b) -->

{{compare 'one' '||' 'two'}}
{{compare 'one' 'or' 'two'}}
<!-- Or statements returns real values -->
<!-- For example you have one falsy value and another not -->
<!-- Truthy value will be returned then (as in real JS-script) -->

{{compare 'one' '|!' 'two'}} <!-- (a || !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!|' 'two'}} <!-- (!a || b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!|!' 'two'}} <!-- (!a || !b) -->
{{compare 'one' '!||' 'two'}} <!-- !(a || b) -->
{{compare 'one' 'nor' 'two'}} <!-- !(a || b) -->

{{compare 'one' 'xor' 'two'}} <!-- ((a && !b) || (!a && b)) -->
{{compare 'one' 'nxor' 'two'}} <!-- !((a && !b) || (!a && b)) -->
Compare many to many
{{#if compare 1 '>' 2 '&&' 5 '<' 8}}
  <!-- ... -->
{{compare 1 '>' 2 '||' 5 '<' 8}}
{{compare first '||' second '||' third}}
{{compare first '&&' second '&&' third}}
{{compare first '&&' second '||' third}}
<!-- Any combinations will work, above just basic examples -->
Compare one value to many (any of.. match)
{{#if compare 'one' '>' 'two|one|three|four|five'}}
  <!-- ... -->
{{compare 'one' '>=' 'two|one|three|four|five'}}
{{compare 'one' '<' 'two|one|three|four'}}
{{compare 'one' '<=' 'two|one|three'}}
{{compare 'one' '===' 'two|one'}}
{{compare 'one' '!==' 'two|one|three'}}
{{compare 'one' '==' 'two|one|three|four'}}
{{compare 'one' '!=' 'two|one|three|four'}}
{{compare 'one' '&&' 'two|one|three|four'}}