
v0.1.1Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Meteor smart package which provides a fully reactive server-side MongoDB queries. This allows them to be used in server-side autorun, together with other fibers-enabled synchronous (blocking) code.

Adding this package to your Meteor application will make all MongoDB queries reactive by default (you can still specify reactive: false to queries to disable reactivity for a specific query, or use Tracker.nonreactive). It will also automatically enable server-side autorun. All this might break some existing server-side code which might not expect to be reactive. Inspect locations where your code or packages you are using already (before using this package) call Tracker.autorun on the server. In most cases this occurs only in the code which is shared between client and server.

Server side only.


meteor add peerlibrary:reactive-mongo


This package is based on the great work by Diggory Blake who made the first implementation.