
v2.0.0Published 2 weeks ago



  1. What is it ?
  2. How does it work ?
  3. Default synoptic
  4. Installation
  5. The most simple usage
  6. Advanced use cases
  7. References for advanced use cases
    1. Standard dropdown items
    2. Media queries
  8. What does the package provide ?
    1. Exported objects
    2. Exported constants
    3. Exported templates
      1. acMenuItems
      2. acSelect
  9. Configuration
    1. Configuring accounts
    2. Configuring acUserLogin
    3. Messages sendable to acUserLogin
    4. Messages sent by acUserLogin
  10. NPM peer dependencies
  11. Translations
  12. Cookies and comparable technologies
  13. Issues and help

What is it ?

pwix:accounts-ui is an encapsulation of the Meteor Accounts UI system.

It aims to provide a full replacement for Meteor accounts-ui while still relying on standard accounts-password. As a consequence, it expects (and makes use of) a 'users' collection be available in the application database.

However, pwix:accounts-ui is fully configurable and is able to provide different user interfaces to adapt to different contexts.

Note that starting with v 2.0.0, pwix:accounts-ui takes advantage of pwix:accounts-hub package to provide a way to manage several accounts entities. All the public API so accepts now a new ahInstance parameter which name the addressed account entity. This parameter defaults to the users default standard Meteor accounts collection.

How does it work ?

The main pwix:accounts-ui user interface is the acUserLogin template.

In its default configuration, the acUserLogin template provides the full login workflow through beautiful Bootstrap modal dialogs. See the most simple usage later.

pwix:accounts-ui adds to this standard behavior the capability to call acUserLogin several times, each time with a different configuration, so that the package is able to nicely handle different running contexts.

As some example use cases, we can evoke:

  • defining a first administrator when a user runs the application for the first time, thus displaying a specific form with specific styling, and have a distinct workflow

  • reusing the users's management capabilities of pwix:accounts-ui to provide some sort of users list, users selection, and so on

  • reusing pwix:accounts-ui user interface to let a user create account for another one, or for many other ones.

Please note that, though several acUserLogin templates can be instanciated by the application, and display different things or answer to different use cases, all these instances actually share a single connection state. Their interfaces are always kept consistent.

Last, this pwix:accounts-ui package is able to fully configure the Meteor Accounts system it relies on, so that the application may fully subcontract the Meteor Accounts configuration to the package.

One single configuration place for one application subsystem!

Default synoptic

All the behavior and the dynamics are managed through the acUserLogin template.

This template organizes itself to show a modal (or a div, see later) adapted to the various situations:

  • while the user is not logged in

    • display (or not) a 'Sign-in' button
  • while the user is not logged in, and after he/she has clicked the 'Sign-in' button

    • display a modal (resp. a div) to let him/she enter his/her credentials
    • have (or not) a 'Sign-up' link
    • have (or not) a 'Reset password' link


  • while the user is not logged in, and after he/she has clicked the 'Sign-up' button
    • display a modal (resp. a div) to let him/she enter some new credentials
    • have (or not) a 'Sign-in' link


  • while the user is not logged in, and after he/she has clicked the 'Reset password' button
    • display a modal (resp. a div) to let him/she enter a target email address
    • have (or not) a 'Sign-in' link
    • have (or not) a 'Sign-up' link


  • when the user is logged in, and after he/she has clicked the 'Change password' button
    • display a modal (resp. a div) to let him/she change his/her credentials


  • when the user is logged in

    • display (or not) a 'Signed-in' button
  • when the logged-in menu is dropdowned

    • display a 'Sign out' link
    • display a 'Change password' link
    • display a 'Verify email' link
    • display a 'Change password' link
    • display a 'Profile' link
  • when the user is logged in, and after he/she has clicked the 'Sign out' button

    • display a popup to ask for confirmation


Additionnally, the master acUserLogin template, and all the underlying infrastructure, takes care of:

  • verifying the mail adress
    • send a mail to the address with a link
    • the sent link has a limited lifetime
    • when activated, the link redirect to a dedicated panel on the site which set the mail address as 'verified'


  • let the user reset his/her password
    • send a mail to the specified address with a link
    • the sent link has a limited lifetime
    • when activated, the link redirect to a dedicated panel on the site which let the user enter his/her new credentials.


This Meteor package is installable with the usual command:

    meteor add pwix:accounts-ui

The most simple usage

Just insert the template into your component {{> acUserLogin }} and:

  • a dropdown button will be displayed, the dropdown menu including the standard items which let the user log-in, or ask for reset his password, or sign up for a new account;

  • when logged-in, the dropdown button will display his email address, the dropdown menu including the standard items which let the user log out, change his password, or ask for receive a verification link in his mailbox if not already done.

That's all, folks!

Out of the box, and without any configuration, the acUserLogin template provides all the needed plumbing for managing the login/logout workflows, including the handling of the reset and verification links.

Advanced use cases

References for advanced use cases

Standard dropdown items

The packages defines and makes use of these standard items.

When logged

standard idstandard action
ac-signout-itemtriggers the message 'ac-panel-signout'
ac-verifyask-itemtriggers the message 'ac-panel-verifyask'
ac-changepwd-itemtriggers the message 'ac-panel-changepwd'

When unlogged

standard idstandard action
ac-signin-itemtriggers the message 'ac-panel-signin'
ac-signup-itemtriggers the message 'ac-panel-signup'
ac-resetask-itemtriggers the message 'ac-panel-resetask'

The full list of the dropdown items may be obtained by the application via the AccountsUI.dropdownItems() (resp. AccountsUI.dropdownItemsExt()) reactive methods.

The activation of one of these standard items triggers the display of a panel which let the user enter the required informations.

Media queries

When the application chooses to hide the logged/unlogged button depending of the size of the device, it should apply its media query on the 'display' div class, which is a direct child of the acUserLogin one.

This way, the acUserLogin div is kept active, and continues to receive and handle the messages.

What does the package provide ?


The exported global object provides following items:


AccountsUI.clearPanel( name )

A client-only method which clears the panel currently displayed by the named acUserLogin instance.

Parameters are:

  • name: the name given to acUserLogin component when defining it

A client-only method which returns the list of standard dropdown items, depending of the current user connection state.

The returned value is an array of HTML strings '<a>...</a>'.

A reactive data source.


A client-only method which returns the list of standard dropdown items, depending of the current user connection state.

The returned value is an array of the definition objects. This is so the exact same poppulation than AccountsUI.dropdownItems() above, but with all item details.

A reactive data source.


This method returns the pwix:i18n namespace of the pwix:accounts-ui package.

With that name, anyone is so able to provide additional translations.

AccountsUI.namedDropdownItems( name )

A client-only method which returns the full list of menu items to be displayed in regard with the current connection state, and the relevant acUserLogin configuration parameters.

The returned value is an array of HTML strings '<a>...</a>'.

Parameters are:

  • name: the name given to acUserLogin component when defining it

A reactive data source.


A client-only method which advertises when the package has been successfully initialized.

A reactive data source.

Blaze components

Besides of the acUserLogin template already invoked, the pwix:accounts-ui package exports following templates:


Display a small svg icon to indicate a mandatory field.

A use case is when the application wishes a acUserLogin panel inside of one of its own forms, and wishes re-use the same look and feel.

The template can be called with following parameters:

  • acMandatoryRatio which indicates the ratio to be applied to the current font size, defaulting to 80%.


The 'Mandatory fields' label footer.


This template displays the list of <li>...</li> items of the menu to be displayed regarding the current connection state.

The template expects to be called with one parameter:

  • a 'name' key which must address the same name of the corresponding 'acUserLogin' instance.


This template is the main interaction way between the application and this pwix:accounts-ui package.

Thanks to its numerous options, the acUserLogin template may be called several times and is able to answer to many different situations: each acUserLogin instance is independently configurable so that it will display or not the expected dialogs.

The template expects to be called with a single configuration object parameter, or maybe nothing at all if all the defaults are to be used. Even when providing a configuration object, as all keys are optional, this object can be just empty.

  • initialDisplay

    What to initially display ?

    Accepted values are:

    • AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON: displays a button which itself displays a dropdown menu, see below for its content

    • or a panel name among:

      • AccountsUI.C.Panel.SIGNIN
      • AccountsUI.C.Panel.SIGNUP
      • AccountsUI.C.Panel.RESETASK
      • AccountsUI.C.Panel.SIGNOUT
      • AccountsUI.C.Panel.CHANGEPWD
      • AccountsUI.C.Panel.VERIFYASK

    Additional note: even if a Blaze template is expected to be reactive to its parameters, please be conscious that this one is only here to provide an initial value. We make sure that the behavior of the acUserLogin component is not reactive to changes to this parameter after initialization.

    Defaults to AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON.

  • loggedButtonClass

  • unloggedButtonClass

    The classes to be added to the button.

    Only applies when initialDisplay is AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON

    The provided value is expected to be a string, or a function which takes no argument and returns a string.

    Defaults to:

    • empty when unlogged (no added class)
    • dropdown-toggle when logged;

    In conjonction with default loggedButtonContent, the effect is to display the user email address with a small down-arrow after the text.

  • loggedButtonContent

  • unloggedButtonContent

    The content to be displayed in the shown button.

    Only applies when initialDisplay is AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON

    The content is expected to be a HTML string to be inserted in place of the default value; this HTML string may (should ?) also embeds needed class names and other styles. The provided value is expected to be this content, either as a string or a function which takes no argument and returns the content string.

    Defaults to:

    • a <span class="fa-regular fa-fw fa-user"> HTML string when unlogged
    • the email address value when logged.
  • loggedItems

  • unloggedItems

    Items to be displayed in replacement of the standard ones.

    Only applies when initialDisplay is AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON

    Accepted values are a single HTML string which is expected to be the <li>...</li> inner content, or an array of such strings, or a function which takes no argument and returns a single HTML string or an array.

    Defaults to the standard items.

  • loggedItemsAfter

  • unloggedItemsAfter

    Items to be added after the standard items of the dropdown menu.

    Only applies when initialDisplay is AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON

    Accepted values are a single HTML string which is expected to be the <li>...</li> inner HTML, or an array of such strings, or a function which takes no argument and returns a single HTML string or an array.

    Defaults to none.

  • loggedItemsBefore

  • unloggedItemsBefore

    Items to be added before the standard items of the dropdown menu.

    Only applies when initialDisplay is AccountsUI.C.Display.DROPDOWNBUTTON

    Accepted values are a single HTML string which is expected to be the <li>...</li> inner HTML, or an array of such strings, or a function which takes no argument and returns a single HTML string or an array.

    Defaults to none.

  • renderMode

    When displayed, whether the template is rendered as a modal dialog of its own, or inside a <div>...</div> provided by the application (where the template has been inserted).

    This configuration parameter applies whether we are following the usual account workflow for the current user, or when we only want display a panel.

    Accepted values are:

    • AccountsUI.C.Render.MODAL
    • AccountsUI.C.Render.DIV

    Defaults to AccountsUI.C.Render.MODAL: when visible, the panels are rendered in a modal dialog.

  • changePasswordTwice

    Whether we make use of the two password input fields when changing a user's password.

    Defaults to the value configured at the package level.

  • coloredBorders

    Whether the borders of fields in the panels should or not be colored, and when:

    • AccountsUI.C.Colored.NEVER: do not use colored borders at all
    • AccountsUI.C.Colored.VALIDATION: use colored borders to exhibit the validation state of the fields
    • AccountsUI.C.Colored.MANDATORY: use colored borders to exhibit the mandatory character of each field

    Defaults to the value configured at the package level.

  • haveCancelButton

  • haveOKButton

    Whether the displayed panel should display a Cancel (resp. a OK) button.

    Defaults to true.

  • changePwdTextOne

  • changePwdTextTwo

  • changePwdTextThree

  • resetAskTextOne

  • resetAskTextTwo

  • signinTextOne

  • signinTextTwo

  • signinTextThree

  • signoutTextOne

  • signupTextOne

  • signupTextTwo

  • signupTextThree

  • signupTextFour

  • signupTextFive

  • verifyAskTextOne

    Display personalization.

    These options let the application provides its own content before the corresponding input fields of the corresponding panel.

    Accepted values are a HTML string, or a function which returns such a string, defaulting to none.

  • signupEmailPlaceholder

  • signupUsernamePlaceholder

  • signupPasswdOnePlaceholder

  • signupPasswdTwoPlaceholder

    Display personalization.

    These options let the application provides its own content for the corresponding fields.

    Accepted values are expected to be a string, or a function which returns a string.

  • signinLink

  • signupLink

  • resetLink

    Whether to display the corresponding link in the bottom of the relevant panels.

    A function can be provided by the application for this parm. The function will be called without argument and MUST return one of the accepted values.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to true.

  • signinFieldset

    Whether to set input fields inside a fieldset.

    A function can be provided by the application for this parm. The function will be called without argument and MUST return one of the accepted values.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to false.

  • signinLegendEmail

  • signinLegendPassword

  • signinLegendUsername

    The legend to be set inside of the respective fieldsets of the signin panel.

    Defaults to none.

    These legends are only considered if the signinFieldset is true.

  • signupFieldset

    Whether to set input fields inside a fieldset.

    A function can be provided by the application for this parm. The function will be called without argument and MUST return one of the accepted values.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to false.

  • signupLegendEmail

  • signupLegendPassword

  • signupLegendUsername

    The legend to be set inside of the respective fieldsets of the signup panel.

    Defaults to none.

    These legends are only considered if the signupFieldset is true.

  • signupPasswordTwice

    Whether we make use of the two password input fields when creating a new account.

    Defaults to the value configured at the package level.

  • signupAutoClose

    Whether to auto-close the modal after having created a new user.

    A typical use case would be to let an administrator create successively several user accounts.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to true.

  • signupAutoConnect

    Whether to auto-connect a newly created account.

    A function can be provided by the application for this parm. The function will be called without argument and MUST return one of the accepted values.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to true.

  • signupClearPanel

    Whether to clear the panel after having created a new account.

    A function can be provided by the application for this parm. The function will be called without argument and MUST return one of the accepted values.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to true.

  • signupHaveEmailAddress

  • signupHaveUsername

    Whether the signup panel is to be configured with or without an email address (resp. a username), and whether it is optional or mandatory.

    For each of these terms, accepted values are:

    • AccountsHub.C.Identifier.NONE: the field is not displayed nor considered
    • AccountsHub.C.Identifier.OPTIONAL: the input field is proposed to the user, but may be left empty
    • AccountsHub.C.Identifier.MANDATORY: the input field must be filled by the user

    Defauts to the corresponding globally configured option.

  • signupSubmit

    Whether the package should handle the submission of the signup form.

    A function can be provided by the application for this parm. The function will be called without argument and MUST return one of the accepted values.

    Accepted values are true|false, defaulting to true.

  • name

    As a convenience for an application which would wish make use of several acUserLogin templates, each one may be named (obviously uniquely), and internal configuration may later be get via the AccountsUI methods, accessing it via the attributed name.

    name is an optional, though unique when set, name attributed by the application to this acUserLogin instance.

    Accepted values is any non empty string, or a function which will be called without argument and must return such a non empty string.

    Defaults to none.

  • withExternalMessager

    Whether the caller provides a Forms.Messager instance and the corresponding UI component, defaulting to false.

    When set, and the packages pwix:forms and pwix:typed-message are present, and a checker ReactiveVar is present in the data context, then the error messages will be sent to the provided checker, instead of being managed by this pwix:accounts-ui package.

  • ahName

    The name of an AccountsHub.ahClass instance which itself defines an account entity.

    Defaults to users, the standard default Meteor accounts collection.

    Please note that, as of v 2.0.0, most of the features of this package are only available for the Meteor standard 'users' accounts collection.

Messages sendable to acUserLogin

Besides of initial configuration options, the behavior of the acUserLogin template may be controlled via messages sent to the <div class="acUserLogin">...</div>.

  • ac-panel-signin-event

  • ac-panel-signup-event

  • ac-panel-resetask-event

  • ac-panel-signout-event

  • ac-panel-changepwd-event

  • ac-panel-verifyask-event

    Display the specified panel.

    No data is expected.

  • ac-render-modal

  • ac-render-div

    Change the rendering mode

    No data is expected.

Messages visible to the application

  • on the body element

    • ac-user-resetdone-event + emailAddress

    • ac-user-verifieddone-event + emailAddress

      Advertises of a realized action on the user account, outside of any acUserLogin workflow

  • on the acUserLogin element

    • ac-user-changepwd-event + emailAddress

    • ac-user-created-event + emailAddress

    • ac-user-signedin-event + userId

    • ac-user-signedout-event + emailAddress

    • ac-user-resetasked-event + emailAddress

    • ac-user-verifyasked-event + emailAddress

      Advertises of a realized action on the user account

    • ac-signup-ok + ok

      Advertizes of the current validity status of the signup panel.

  • on a displayed panel

    • ac-clear-panel

      Message sent from the AccountsUI.clearPanel() method, asking the panel to clear itself.

      At the moment, only the signup panel handles this event.


  • AccountsUI.C.Connection.LOGGED

  • AccountsUI.C.Connection.UNLOGGED

  • AccountsUI.C.Button.HIDDEN

  • AccountsUI.C.Button.NONE

  • AccountsUI.C.Button.DROPDOWN

  • AccountsUI.C.Button.BUBBLE

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.NONE

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.CHANGEPWD

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.RESETASK

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.SIGNIN

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.SIGNOUT

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.SIGNUP

  • AccountsUI.C.Panel.VERIFYASK

  • AccountsUI.C.Render.MODAL

  • AccountsUI.C.Render.DIV

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.NONE,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.DISPLAY,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.EVENT,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.INSTANCIATIONS,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.MODAL,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.PANEL,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.READY,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.STARTUP,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.SUBMIT,

  • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.USER


The package's behavior can be configured through a call to the AccountsUI.configure() method, with just a single javascript object argument, which itself should only contains the options you want override.

Known configuration options are:

  • coloredBorders

    Whether the borders of fields in the panels should or not be colored, and when:

    • AccountsUI.C.Colored.NEVER: do not use colored borders at all
    • AccountsUI.C.Colored.VALIDATION: use colored borders to exhibit the validation state of the fields
    • AccountsUI.C.Colored.MANDATORY: use colored borders to exhibit the mandatory character of each field

    Defaults to AccountsUI.C.Colored.NEVER: the error messages are red-colored, but the fields themselves stay normal colored.

  • onEmailVerifiedBeforeFn

    A user function to be called when an email has just been verified.

    If a box is also displayed (cf. below), then this function is called before the box is displayed.

    Defaults to null.

  • onEmailVerifiedBox

    Whether we display a confirmation dialog box when an email has just been verified.

    Accepted values are true or false.

    Defaults to true.

  • onEmailVerifiedBoxCb

    A user function to be called when the user acknowledges the displayed confirmation box.

    Defaults to null.

  • onEmailVerifiedBoxTitle

    The title of the confirmation box as a string.

    Defaults to (localized) 'Email address verification'.

  • onEmailVerifiedBoxMessage

    The content of the confirmation box as a HTML string.

    Defaults to (localized) 'Hi.Your email address is now said "verified".Thanks.'.

  • passwordTwice

    Whether a new password has to be entered twice.

    This option applies to both:

    • defining a new account
    • changing the user's password
    • defining a new password after a reset

    Accepted values are true or false.

    Defaults to true.

  • resetPasswordTwice

    Whether to request the user to enter twice the password when resetting for an existing account.

    Accepted values are true or false, defaulting to the value of the passwordTwice package configuration.

  • resetPwdTextOne

  • resetPwdTextTwo

    Display personalization of the Reset password dialog box.

    These options let the application provides its own content before the input fields of the corresponding panel.

    Value is expected to be a HTML string, or a function which returns such a string.

    Defaults to 'Hello %s,Welcome again!Let us reset your password, and enjoy.' for the first text, none for the second.

  • verbosity

    The verbosity level as:

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.NONE

    or an OR-ed value of integer constants:

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE

      Trace configuration operations

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.DISPLAY

      Trace acDisplay operations

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.EVENT

      Trace all handled events

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.INSTANCIATIONS

      Trace classes instanciations

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.MODAL

      Trace modal changes

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.PANEL

      Trace panel changes

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.READY

      Emit a log message when the readyness status of the client changes

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.STARTUP

      Emit a log message at startup; the Meteor object is dumped at that moment

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.SUBMIT

      Trace submit-related events trigerring and handling.

    • AccountsUI.C.Verbose.USER

      Trace user-related events trigerring and handling.

    Defaults to AccountsUI.C.Verbose.NONE.

A function can be provided by the application for each of these parameters. The function will be called without argument and must return a suitable value.

Please note that AccountsUI.configure() method should be called in the same terms both in client and server sides.

Remind too that Meteor packages are instanciated at application level. They are so only configurable once, or, in other words, only one instance has to be or can be configured. Addtionnal calls to AccountsUI.configure() will just override the previous one. You have been warned: only the application should configure a package.

NPM peer dependencies

Starting with v 1.0.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends clause of the package.js.

Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 2.0.0:

1    'email-validator': '^2.0.4',
2    'lodash': '^4.17.0',
3    'printf': '^0.6.1',
4    'zxcvbn': '^4.4.2'

Each of these dependencies should be installed at application level:

    meteor npm install <package> --save


pwix:accounts-ui provides at the moment fr and en translations.

New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.

Cookies and comparable technologies

None at the moment.

Issues & help

In case of support or error, please report your issue request to our Issues tracker.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2024, Oct. 4th