
v2.0.0Published 4 months ago


A cookie management package for Meteor which aims to conform to "Guidelines 05/2020 on consent under Regulation 2016/679" EU recomandations.

It provides:

  • the methods to let the application (resp. another package) publish their respectives cookies to respect the disclosure obligation

  • a consentement dialog as a Blaze component

  • the methods to let the application (resp. another package) get the cookies status.

This has been written because selaias:cookie-consent seems to no more be maintained. So the need of a current package has arisen. Note that, contrarily to selaias:cookie-consent, this one doesn't requise ostrio:cookies. Instead, it relies on localStorage to store user consentement.

The cookie object

pwix:cookie-manager doesn't manage the cookies by themselves, I mean their value. So, whether the cookie is really a cookie, i.e. a data file sent from the server to the client before HTTP headers, and so on, is entirey up to the application (resp. another package).

Instead, pwix:cookie-manager manages what can be called the cookie semantic, i.e. a name and a description, an originator, a category, a status, along with some other properties which are only relevant for the aim of management. All that semantic, along with the user consentement, is stored in the localStorage of the browser.

pwix:cookie-manager distinguishes five type of cookies:

  • CookieManager.C.Category.TECHNICALS
  • CookieManager.C.Category.FUNCTIONALS
  • CookieManager.C.Category.STATISTICS
  • CookieManager.C.Category.MARKETING
  • CookieManager.C.Category.THIRD

pwix:cookie-manager makes the cookie have three status:

  • it may be enabled and not disableable: the cookie is operational, and the user cannot refuse it

  • it may be enabled and disableable: the cookie defaults to be operational, but the user can refuse it

  • it may be disabled: the cookie is not operational, has been previously refused by the user.


The package's behavior can be configured through a call to the CookieManager.configure() method, with just a single javascript object argument, which itself should only contains the options you want override.

Known configuration options are:

  • categories

    An array of the categories the application wishes to add to the predefined ones.

    Each item of this array represents a category, must be an object with following keys:

    • id: a string which identifies the category

    • label: a (localized) string to be displayed as the tab label, defaulting to id

    • title: a (localized) HTML string to be displayed as the title of the corresponding tab in the Cookie Manager, defaulting to <h5>id</h5>

    • content: a (localized) HTML string to be displayed as the description of the category in the Cookie Manager, defaulting to id

    When defined, these new categories may be used by the application to better categorize its own cookies.

  • consentLifetime

    Define the lifetime of the user consent, i.e. the time at the end of which an explicit consent should be re-asked to the user, as a ms integer.

    Defaults to 31536000000 ms, aka 3652460601000, aka one year.

  • haveRejectAll

    Let the application decides that it does not want present a 'Reject all' button to the user.

    Please note that this is a CNIL recommandation to have a 'Reject all' button same size and level than 'Accept all' (cf. 'CNIL_2020_092_Recommandation-cookies-et-autres-traceurs.pdf').

    Defaults to true.

  • verbosity

    Define the expected verbosity level.

    The accepted value can be any or-ed combination of following:

    • CookieManager.C.Verbose.NONE

      Do not display any trace log to the console

    • CookieManager.C.Verbose.COMPONENTS

      Trace Blaze components life:

      • creation
      • rendering
      • destruction
    • CookieManager.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE

      Trace CookieManager.configure() calls and their result

    • CookieManager.C.Verbose.DUMP

      Dump the CookieManager global object at startup.

    • CookieManager.C.Verbose.STORAGE

      Dump the localStorage first at startup, and then on user choice (client-side only).

Please note that CookieManager.configure() method should be called in the same terms both in client and server sides.

Remind too that Meteor packages are instanciated at application level. They are so only configurable once, or, in other words, only one instance has to be or can be configured. Addtionnal calls to SSR.configure() will just override the previous one. You have been warned: only the application should configure a package.


A global object


This object is allocated at package level: there is only one instance in your application. It gathers the available methods (see below).

pwix:cookie-manager attaches this global object to the global Meteor one, so that every willing-to packages is able to take advantage of the available methods to publish their own cookies through Meteor.CookieManager, without having to first require or import the package, or even make it a dependency.


  • CookieManager.C.Action.GOTIT

  • CookieManager.C.Action.ACCEPT_ALL

  • CookieManager.C.Action.REJECT_ALL

  • CookieManager.C.Action.CHOSEN

  • CookieManager.C.Verbose.NONE

  • CookieManager.C.Verbose.COMPONENTS

  • CookieManager.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE

  • CookieManager.C.Verbose.DUMP

  • CookieManager.C.Verbose.STORAGE

  • CookieManager.C.Category.TECHNICALS

  • CookieManager.C.Category.FUNCTIONALS

  • CookieManager.C.Category.STATISTICS

  • CookieManager.C.Category.MARKETING

  • CookieManager.C.Category.THIRD


CookieManager.byCategory( category )

Returns the array of published cookies for the specified category.

CookieManager.configure( o )

See above.

CookieManager.isEnabled( identifier )

Returns whether the identified (responsible/name) cookie is authorized by the user.

CookieManager.publish( o )

This method let the application (resp. another package) publish the cookies it makes use of, so that the user is able to be informed of what he accepts or refuses.

In order to not rely on the initialization order, this method should be called from Meteor.startup().

o here is either a javascript object which describes a cookie, or an array of such javascript objects. It may contains following datas:

  • responsible


    The application (resp. another package) name, as a string.

    The responsible/name concatenation is expected to be a unique identifier of the cookie.

    The responsible field is subject to restriction on reserved characters (#reserved-characters).

  • name


    The technical name of the cookie, as a string, so that, for example, this coud be checked by the user in his browser.

    The responsible/name concatenation is expected to be a unique identifier of the cookie,.

    The name field is subject to restriction on reserved characters (#reserved-characters).

  • category

    The category the cookie belong to.

    Must be referenced in CookieManager.Categories.

  • description

    A brief localized description of the role of the cookie, as a string, defaulting to none.

  • lifetime

    The lifetime of the cookie, as a string, from just the navigation session life to illimited.

    Once again, this is here a descriptive string, as we do not manage the cookies themselves. This is just a user indication.

    Defaults to english « Unknown ».

  • enabled

    Whether the cookie is initially enabled (true) or disabled (false), defaulting to true.

    Defaults to false (disabled).

  • disableable

    Whether the cookie can be refused by the user, defaulting to true.

  • link

    When we are describing a third-party cookie, the third-party main web site address.

    Defaults to none.

CookieManager.runManager( o )

Run a modal dialog to let the user choose his privacy preferences, and collect his explicit consent.

This modal is a blocking one: the user MUST click on one the three proposed buttons to close it.

runManager() method runs the modal dialog whatever be the status of the presentation cookie. Even if the user has already seen this dialog on its first visite, calling this method will re-run the same dialog.

The method accepts a configuration object passed as an argument, which may contain:

  • dialogTitle

    An optional string to be used as title in the dialog header, defaulting to language-dependent « Cookies Manager »

  • acceptButton

    An optional string to be used as the label of the Accept button, defaulting to language-dependent « Accept all »

  • chooseButton

    An optional string to be used as the label of the Record button, defaulting to language-dependent « Record my choices »

  • functionalsAfter

    An optional HTML string to be displayed after the list of cookies (if any) in the functionals pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • functionalsBefore

    An optional HTML string to be displayed before the content in the functionals pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • functionalsContent

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the main text in the functionals pane, defaulting to language-dependent:

    « Functional cookies are used by this web site to offer the user a greater, more comfortable, experience. « They can often be disabled by the user, though he/she should take care that the navigation experience may be greatly degraded. « They are expected to not be shared, nor available to any other party

  • functionalsLabel

    An optional string to be used as the label of the functionals tab, defaulting to language-dependent « Functional cookies »

  • functionalsTitle

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the title in the functionals pane, defaulting to HTML language-dependent '<h5>Functional cookies</h5>'..

  • marketingAfter

    An optional HTML string to be displayed after the list of cookies (if any) in the marketing pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • marketingBefore

    An optional HTML string to be displayed before the content in the marketing pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • marketingContent

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the main text in the marketing pane, defaulting to language-dependent:

    « Marketing cookies are used to proposed targets ads. They can also be used to determine which web sites with the same object you have visited. « Most often, these cookies are most often controlled by a third-party partner.

  • marketingLabel

    An optional string to be used as the label of the marketing tab, defaulting to language-dependent « Marketing cookies ».

  • marketingTitle

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the title in the marketing pane, defaulting to HTML language-dependent '<h5>Marketing cookies</h5>'..

  • privacyAfter

    An optional HTML string to be displayed after the list of cookies (if any) in the privacy pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • privacyBefore

    An optional HTML string to be displayed before the content in the privacy pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • privacyContent

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the main text in the privacy pane, defaulting to language-dependent:

    « When you visit a web site, it may record some informations about you, your device, the previous web site you come from, or any other information it may find useful. « These informations are stored as _cookies, or other comparable technologies, which are essentially small data files. « Because your privacy is essential for us, we request your explicit consent to use and store these cookies.

  • privacyLabel

    An optional string to be used as the label of the privacy tab, defaulting to language-dependent « Your privacy ».

  • privacyTitle

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the title in the privacy pane, defaulting to HTML language-dependent '<h5>Your privacy</h5>'.

  • rejectButton

    An optional string to be used as the label of the Reject button, defaulting to language-dependent « Reject all ».

  • statisticsAfter

    An optional HTML string to be displayed after the list of cookies (if any) in the statistics pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • statisticsBefore

    An optional HTML string to be displayed before the content in the statistics pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • statisticsContent

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the main text in the statistics pane, defaulting to language-dependent:

    « Statistics cookies are mainly used to be able to measure the frequentation of this web site. « They can for example register the link you have followed to come here, or the count of pages you have visited, of the detail of your navigation inside of this web site.

  • statisticsLabel

    An optional string to be used as the label of the statistics tab, defaulting to language-dependent « Statistics cookies ».

  • statisticsTitle

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the title in the statistics pane, defaulting to HTML language-dependent '<h5>Statistics cookies</h5>'..

  • technicalsAfter

    An optional HTML string to be displayed after the list of cookies (if any) in the technicals pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • technicalsBefore

    An optional HTML string to be displayed before the content of the technicals pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • technicalsContent

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the main text in the technicals pane, defaulting to language-dependent:

    « Technical cookies are those considered by the web site as essential and absolutely required for make it just work. « These are generally just mandatory, cannot be disabled.

  • technicalsLabel

    An optional string to be used as the label of the technicals tab, defaulting to language-dependent « Technicals cookies ».

  • technicalsTitle

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the title of the technicals pane, defaulting to HTML language-dependent '<h5>Technicals cookies</h5>'..

  • thirdAfter

    An optional HTML string to be displayed after the list of cookies (if any) in the third pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • thirdBefore

    An optional HTML string to be displayed before the content in the third pane, defaulting to nothing.

  • thirdContent

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the main text in the third pane, defaulting to language-dependent:

    « Third-party cookies are installed by external third-party sites, partners or service providers. « They are not controlled nor managed in any way by this web site. « You should take care of carefully review the general terms of use, along with the cookies and personal data management policies these third-party sites should publish.

  • thirdLabel

    An optional string to be used as the label of the third tab, defaulting to language-dependent « Third-party cookies ».

  • thirdTitle

    An optional HTML string to be displayed as the title in the third pane, defaulting to HTML language-dependent '<h5>Third-party cookies</h5>'..

Please note that this method is only available on the client.

  • English version

    English version English version English version English version English version English version

  • French version

    English version English version English version English version English version English version


This method returns the i18n namespace of this package.

With this namespace, one can easily extend the available translations.

Reserved characters

Please note that CookieManager internally uses some reserved characters. These reserved characters must not be used when naming a cookie. As of 1.3.0, these are:

  • comma ,
  • slash /.

Blaze components


A component which displays a link to run the Cookie Manager.

It may be run with following parms:

  • label

The label.

Defaults to a (localized) « Cookies management ».

  • route

The route to be set on the link.

Defaults to a '#', which run the Cookie Manager.

  • title

The title of the link.

Defaults to a (localized) « Cookies management ».


A component which displays a link to the Cookies Policy page.

It may be run with following parms:

  • label

The label.

Defaults to a (localized) « Cookies policy ».

  • route

The route to be set on the link.

Defaults to a '#', which sends a cm-policy-click event on the cmSliding component.

  • title

The title of the link.

Defaults to a (localized) « Cookies policy ».


A sliding alert band displayed in the bottom of the screen, to let the user be informed or the existence of a cookies policy.

As this component provides a link to the cookies manager dialog, it may take the exact same parameters than runManager(), plus some specifics:

  • cookiesManager

    Whether to display a link to run the cookies manager.

    On click, the cookies manager will be opened.

    Defaults to false.

  • cookiesPolicy

    Whether to display a link to the site cookies policy.

    If provided, then the component will display a short sentence « Read our cookies policy ».

    On click, the cm-policy-click event will be triggered on cmSliding component.

    Defaults to false.

cmSliding is displayed the first time a user visits the site, as a bottom sliding band. It can be closed:

  • when the user clicks on the 'Got it' button

    • no update is done on the current cookies choices
    • the component will not be displayed again on next visit
  • when the user click on the link to open the cookie manager

    • the component will not be displayed again on next visit
  • when a link to the cookies policy has been provided and the user clicks on it

    • no other action is taken than just close the component: neither any cookie choice update, nor any prevention against a new display on next visit

      Rationale is that reading, even very carefully, the cookies policy is not at all the same that explicitly consent to the cookies.

And there is an english version

English version

And a french version

English version

Informational messages


This event is triggered on the .cmSliding component class when the developer has requested the display of a link to the cookies policy, and the user has clicked on this link.

NPM peer dependencies

Starting with v 1.0.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends clause of the package.js.

Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 2.0.0:

    'lodash': '^4.17.0'

Each of these dependencies should be installed at application level:

    meteor npm install <package> --save


New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.

Cookies and comparable technologies

pwix:cookie-manager makes use of localStorage to record its technical and functionals required informations. Some of these are considered as non disableable by the user, and are advertised as such.


P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2024, Jun. 8th