
v1.4.4Published 4 weeks ago


This is an encapsulation of 'trumbowyg' Javascript editor for Meteor, so a client-only package.

A bit of taxonomy


pwix:editor talks a lot of documents though, actually, pwix:editor doesn't know anything about them. But it expects that these unknown and unmanaged documents have two main properties:

  • a HTML content, said document's content here
  • an optional name which identifies the document, said document's name here.

Edition mode

pwix:editor is able to manage four edition modes:

  • Editor.C.Mode.HIDDEN

    Build the component, but do not display in the DOM.

  • Editor.C.Mode.STANDARD

    The document's content is displayed as standard HTML: this is the default startup mode. In this mode, all the document's content is just displayed as if they were no editor at all. This way, you can safely directly integrates teScriber component in your pages without your standard user being conscious of anything.

  • Editor.C.Mode.PREVIEW

    The document's content is displayed inside of a thin panel. The header of this panel displays the document's name, along with two Preview and Edit buttons. The document's content is displayed as standard HTML.

  • Editor.C.Mode.EDITION

    This mode is an extension of the Editor.C.Mode.PREVIEW, where the user is able to actually edit the document's content. A buttons panel with different edition options (font size, color, etc.) along with a WYSIWYG HTML editor is available.


The package's behavior can be configured through a call to the Editor.configure() method, with just a single javascript object argument, which itself should only contains the options you want override.

Known configuration options are:

  • fontfamilyAdds

    A list of font families to be added to the default teEditor ones.

    This is supposed to be an array of objects with following keys:

    • name: the displayed name
    • family: the font face family.
  • storeSwitchState

    Whether the application plans to use the teSwitch component and wishes to record its last state.

    When enabled, this option will create a cookie.

    This cookie is published to CookieManager as a functional one, and the user may refuse it.

    Default to false.

  • uploadUrl

    The URL to which the images should be uploaded. No default.

  • verbosity

    Define the expected verbosity level.

    The accepted value can be any or-ed combination of following:

    • Editor.C.Verbose.NONE

      Do not display any trace log to the console

    • Editor.C.Verbose.COLLECTIONS

      Trace collections events.

      This includes on each and every collection:

      • declarations and definitions
      • methods calls and results
    • Editor.C.Verbose.COMPONENTS

      Trace Blaze components life:

      • creation
      • rendering
      • destruction
    • Editor.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE

      Trace Editor.configure() calls and their result

    • Editor.C.Verbose.MODE

      Trace edition mode changes

    • Editor.C.Verbose.SWITCH

      Trace the internal behavior of the teSwitch component

    • Editor.C.Verbose.TEMSG

      Trace te-xxx messages

    • Editor.C.Verbose.TRUMBOWYG

      Trace the 'trumbowyg' editor life:

      • instanciation and deletion
      • internal messaging events
    • Editor.C.Verbose.UPLOAD

      Trace upload configuration and operations

Please note that Editor.configure() methmethod should be called in the same terms both in client and server sides.

Also note, as an explicit reminder for the fools, that, because the Meteor packages are instanciated at application level, they can be configured once at most, and only once at most. Each addtionnal call to Editor.configure() will just override the previous one. You have been warned: only the application should configure a package.


A global object


This object is allocated at package level: there is only one instance in your application. It gathers the avilable methods (see below).

This global object contains:

  • Editor.Modes

    An array of allowed edition modes.



Edition modes

  • Editor.C.Mode.HIDDEN
  • Editor.C.Mode.STANDARD
  • Editor.C.Mode.PREVIEW
  • Editor.C.Mode.EDITION

Verbosity levels

  • Editor.C.Verbose.NONE
  • Editor.C.Verbose.COLLECTIONS
  • Editor.C.Verbose.COMPONENTS
  • Editor.C.Verbose.CONFIGURE
  • Editor.C.Verbose.MODE
  • Editor.C.Verbose.SWITCH
  • Editor.C.Verbose.TEMSG
  • Editor.C.Verbose.TRUMBOWYG
  • Editor.C.Verbose.UPLOAD

Blaze components


A panel which let the application manage its documents.

The component is configurable with an object passed as an argument, which may contain:

  • collection

    The collection name, defaulting to te_contents.

  • plusButton

    Whether the manager should exhibit a 'plus' button, defaulting to true.


The editor component itself.

The component is configurable with an object passed as an argument, which may contain:

  • content

    An optional input/output ReactiveVar which is expected to contain the ... document's content (by the way), interpreted as a HTML string.

    It not provided, the component just displays an empty editing area, and advertises of its updates through the te-content-changed event.

  • mode

    The edition mode as a string, defaulting to Editor.C.Mode.STANDARD.

  • document

    The document's name as a string, defaulting to the empty string.

  • displayName

    Whether to display the name in the topmost panel, defaulting to true.

  • withNamePanel

    Whether to display the topmost panel, which would include the document's name and the preview/edit buttons, defaulting to true.

  • withHTMLBtn

    Whether to authorize the HTML button, which should be reserved to advanced users, defaulting to true.

  • withFullScreenBtn

    Whether to authorize the FullScreen button, which should be reserved to edit full articles, defaulting to true.

  • fontfamilyAdds

    An array of font families to be added to those already managed by the editor.


            { name: 'Arial', family: 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' }

The teScriber component doesn't provide any save way. Instead, it provides two ways for the caller be informed of the changes:

  • the content ReactiveVar, if provided, is continuously updated,

  • a te-content-changed message is sent on the component on each change.


This is an encapsulation of the Editor component, which manages the serialization/deserialization of the documents.

The component is configurable with an object passed as an argument, which may contain:

  • collection

    The collection name, defaulting to te_contents.

    teSerializer expects that the collection supports name, content, createdAt, createdBy, updatedAt and updatedBy standard fields.

    The Editor.collections.Contents.schema schema can be used as a to-be-extended base schema by the application.

  • document

    The document name in the database.


  • mode

    The desired edition mode, defaulting to Editor.C.Mode.STANDARD

Because teSerializer is an encapsulation of teScriber, then teScriber needed arguments can also be passed through the argument object.


A switch which let the user toggle the edition mode.

Use case: particularly in development mode, it happens that the Editor.C.Mode.PREVIEW may slightly disturb the display. This switch, when toggled to off, let the editor run in Editor.C.Mode.STANDARD even when the user is allowed to edit.

The component is configurable with an object passed as an argument, which may contain:

  • labelTop

    A (HTML) string to be displayed above the switch, defaulting to none

  • labelRight

    A (HTML) string to be displayed on the right of the switch, defaulting to none

  • labelBottom

    A (HTML) string to be displayed below the switch, defaulting to none

  • labelLeft

    A (HTML) string to be displayed on the left of the switch, defaulting to none

  • title

    A string label as the button title, defaulting to none

  • state

    Whether the switch is initially on or off, defaulting to off

  • enabled

    Whether the switch is initially enabled, defaulting to true

The teSwitch component maintains its state through two Editor reaactive variables:

  • Editor.switch.used

    Whether the application makes use of the teSwitch component. The variable is set to true when the component is created, set to false on destruction.

  • Editor.switch.state

    When used, the state of the teSwitch component, as true for on, false for off.


Informational messages

Informational messages are sent by the component on itself. The caller can take advantage of them to be kept informed about the various changes.

  • te-mode-changed

    Triggered on the teScriber element when the edition mode changes.

    Provides an object { prev: <previous_mode>, new: <new_mode> }

  • te-content-changed

    Triggered on the teScriber element when the content has been changed (in Editor.C.Mode.EDITION mode only).

    Provides an object { html: <html> } or { html: <html>, name: <name> }, depending whether a name has been provided or not.

  • te-initialized

    Triggered on the teScriber element when the editor has been initialized (in Editor.C.Mode.PREVIEW or Editor.C.Mode.EDITION modes).

  • te-serialized

    Triggered on the teSerializer element when the content has been serialized.

    Provides an object { result: <result> }.

  • te-switch-on

  • te-switch-off

    Triggered on the teSwitch component when the switch state changes. The message advertises of the new state of the switch.

Action messages

Action messages are the way the caller can interact with the component during its lifetime. They must be sent to the teScriber component.

  • te-content-reset

    Force the editor to take into account the current content of the provided ReactiveVar.

    May be useful when the caller has to cancel a done edition, and restore a previous value.

    The te-content-changed message is not sent when this action is requested.

  • te-mode-set

    Change the mode to the specified one.

    Expects an object { mode: <mode> }.


pwix:editor provides following fonts:

  • Arial
  • Arial Black
  • Comic Sans
  • Courier
  • Cousine
  • Josefin Sans
  • Orbitron
  • Serpentine
  • Ubuntu Mono.

NPM peer dependencies

Starting with v 1.0.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends clause of the package.js.

Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 1.4.0:

    'jquery-resizable-dom': '^0.35.0',
    'lodash': '^4.17.0',
    'uuid': '^9.0.0 || ^10.0.0'

Each of these dependencies should be installed at application level:

    meteor npm install <package> --save


New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.

Cookies and comparable technologies

pwix:editor may use localStorage to record some valuable data.


The last teSwitch state.

Allowed/disallowed through the storeSwitchState configuration parameter.

This is considered a disableable functional cookie, and is advertised as such to the CookieManager if it is present.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2024, Sep. 20th