
v1.0.5Published 3 months ago


What is it ?

A Meteor package which provides a patched stylesheet and a server-side snippet to work around the #12524 Meteor issue.


Due to the above issue, any Meteor application or package which would take advantage of jQuery UI resources has to have a fixed route to the pages which use jQuery UI, and patch the stylesheet accordingly.

As described in the issue form, this package provides a work-around which works with any route, thus preventing the application or package to have to fix any route, thus being much more flexible.


This Meteor package is installable with the usual command:

    meteor add pwix:jquery-ui


This package is expected to be api.use() by another application or package: you should not even have to explicitely install it. But you always can:

    meteor add pwix:jquery-ui

From the application (resp. package) point of view, it has just to include the jQuery UI javascript, says:

1    import 'jquery-ui/dist/jquery-ui.min.js';

and enjoy!


This package automatically publishes the patched stylesheet and the corresponding .png icon files.

Please note that the jQuery UI package MUST have been installed at application level

    meteor npm install jquery-ui --save


None at the moment.

NPM peer dependencies

Starting with v 1.0.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends clause of the package.js.

Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 1.0.0:

1    'jquery-ui': '^1.13.2'

Each of these dependencies MUST be installed at application level:

    meteor npm install <package> --save


None at the moment.

Cookies and comparable technologies

None at the moment.

Issues & help

In case of support or error, please report your issue request to our Issues tracker.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2024, Jul. 10th