
v1.1.0Published last year

pwix:options - README

What is it ?

A class to manage configuration options.


Most of the usual configuration options are either boolean or strings, or a derivative of these as array of booleans or array of strings.

We want that our configuration options also accept functions which returns expected result.

More we want these configuration options be reactive.

The exported Options class provides the methods required to:

  • check the provided option
  • check the result of a provided function
  • associates each configuration option with a reactive var
  • making sure the returned value is compatible with the desired type and is reactive.


Add the package to your application.

    meteor add pwix:options

Then derive the provided pwixOptions.Options class once per configuration set, and provide a getter/setter method for each configuration option you want to manage.


Say you have a package or an application which accepts a configuration object as:

    conf = {
        level: {
            key1: value1,
            key2: value2
        key3: value3

So you have to write a class which extends pwixOptions.Options with one method for each configuration parameter:

    export class myOptions extends pwixOptions.Options {

        static Constants = [

        * Constructor
        * @param {Object} options the options to be managed
        * The Options base class takes care of managing the known options, either as a value, or as a function which return a value.
        * In some case where the expected value is a string, the base class also can accept an object with 'namespace' and 'i18n' keys.
        * All options are accepted as long as the corresponding getter/setter method exists in this derived class.
        * @returns {myOptions}
        constructor( options ){
            super( options );
            return this;

        * Getter/Setter
        * @param {String|Function} value the prefix of the collection's name
        * @returns {String}
        'level.key1'( value ){
            return this.getset_String_Array_Fn( 'level.key1', value, { default: defaults.level.key1 });

        * Getter/Setter
        * @param {String|Function} value the default access mode of a new forum
        * @returns {String}
        'level.key2'( value ){
            return this.getset_String_Fn( 'level.key2', value, { default: defaults.level.key1, ref: myOptions.Constants });

        * Getter/Setter
        * @param {String|Function} value the default access mode of a new forum
        * @returns {String}
        key3( value ){
            return this.getset_Integer_Fn( 'key3', value, { default: defaults.common.key3 });


None at the time.

What does it provide ?

An exported object


This object mainly embed the Options class to be derived by the consumer.

NPM peer dependencies

In accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we do not hardcode NPM dependencies in package.js. Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 1.0.0: none


New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2023, Feb. 18th