
v0.10.1Published last year


What is it

A simple Blaze component for Meteor which provides a circled-'+' button.

Why this package?

Well because we cannot just copy a Blaze component in each and every package or application which would need it:

  • first, because this is always a bad idea to just duplicate code, as this obviously also duplicates maintenance efforts and bugs
  • second, because Blaze has a single namespace per application, and so refuses to have a duplicated component name.

This is a client-only package.


Very simple:

Include in your HTML template

    {{> plusButton }}

Handle the event in your JS code

    'click .plusButton'( event, instance ){



The pwix:plus-button package comes with a default relative positioning:

    .plusButton {
        position: relative;
        top: 1em;
        right: 1em;

See that as an example. You will most probably override this positioning in your own stylesheet.


None at the moment.


Blaze components


A simple circled-'plus' button.

The component is configurable with an object passed as an argument, which may contain:

  • enabled:

    A ReactiveVar.

    If provided, then the button will be enabled (resp. disabled) depending of the ReactiveVar evaluates as truthy (resp. falsy).

    When not provided, the button is enabled.

NPM peer dependencies

This package has no NPM dependencies.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2023, June 14th