What is it ?
A Blaze component which provides a consistent tabbed display.
The tabbed navs and panes are Bootstrap-based.
Here, 'consistent' means that all panes will have the same height (respectively the same width) regarding of their content.
This Meteor package is installable with the usual command:
meteor add pwix:tabbed
In your .html template:
1 {{> Tabbled (parmsTabbed) }}
In your Blaze helper:
1 parmsTabbed(){ 2 .. 3 }
The exported Tabbed
global object provides following items:
See below.
A reactive data source.
Returns the i18n namespace used by the package. Used to add translations at runtime.
Blaze components
Display a consistent tabbed component.
It accepts following parameters:
, an array of the tabs, or a function which returns such an array, each item being an object:-
: if set, the HTML nav label, or a function which returns such a string -
: if set, an object, or a function which returns such an object, which define attributes to be added to thenav-link
element where each attribute is expected to be defined as{ name: value }
: if set, a template to be attached as the nav content (besides of the label if one is specified) -
: if set, the data to be attached to the navTemplate, or a function which returns such a thing -
: classes to be added to this li.nav-item element -
: classes to be added to this button.nav-link element -
: if set, the pane template name, or a function which returns such a name -
: if set, the data to be passed to the paneTemplate, or a function which returns such a thing -
: if set, the name of the tab, or a function which returns such a name
: if set, the name used to read/write active tab into/from local storage, or a function which returns such a name -
: may be 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right', defaulting to 'top' -
: classes to be added to eachul.nav
element -
: classes to be added to eachli.nav-item
element -
: classes to be added to eachbutton.nav-link
element -
: if set, the name of a template to add below the panes -
: if set, the data context to be passed to this sub-template, defaulting to this Tabbed data context
This Tabbed
component increases the data context passed to navTemplate's and paneTemplate's with datas:
: the identifier of the 'Tabbed' componenttabbedTabId
: the identifier of each tab, same whether we display a nav-link or a tab-pane
The component handles following events:
, data={ tabbedId, index } ask to activate the tab by its indextabbed-do-activate
, data={ tabbedId, label } ask to activate the tab by its current nav labeltabbed-do-activate
, data={ tabbedId, name } ask to activate the tab by its nametabbed-do-activate
, data={ tabbedId, attribute } ask to activate the tab by the specified nav attributetabbed-do-activate-same
, data={ tabbedId } ask to re-send the activation event on the same tabtabbed-do-enable
, data={ tabbedId, index, enabled } ask to enable/disable the tab by its indextabbed-do-enable
, data={ tabbedId, label, enabled } ask to enable/disable the tab by its current nav labeltabbed-do-enable
, data={ tabbedId, name, enabled } ask to enable/disable the tab by its nametabbed-do-enable
, data={ tabbedId, attribute, enabled } ask to enable/disable the tab by the specified nav attribute where 'tabbed' is expected to be the internal identifier of this tabbed template
The component triggers following events:
on itself (and bubble up to the parents)
, data={ tabbedId, tabbedName, $tabbed } when the Tabbed component is renderedtabbed-changed
, data={ tabbedId, tabbedName, $tabbed } when the tabs population has changed
on every .tab-pane first child
, data={ tabbedId, tabbedName, tab:<tab_object>, next:<tab_object> } when about to leave a tabtabbed-pane-to-show
, data={ tabbedId, tabbedName, tab:<tab_object>, prev:<tab_object> } when a new tab is about to be showntabbed-pane-hidden
, data={ tabbedId, tabbedName, tab:<tab_object>, next:<tab_object> } when a tab has lefttabbed-pane-shown
, data={ tabbedId, tabbedName, tab:<tab_object>, prev:<tab_object> } when a tab has been shown
Identifiers management
We dynamically allocate random identifiers for:
parent component itself, advertized as 'data-tabbed-id' in the DOM, and astabbedId
in events and children data contexts -
each tab, advertized as 'data-tabbed-tab-id' in the DOM, and as
in children data contexts.
Dynamically removing tabs
When dynamically removing tabs, because you have provided less tabs in the Tabbed
data context, uou should be conscious that Blaze introduces somes asynchronicities, and that - as such - the to-be-removed tab helpers will still be re-run before the view be actually destroyed.
When using such a feature, you should take care of protecting your code by checking that the tabs are still alive.
See, for example, pwix:validity
The package's behavior can be configured through a call to the Tabbed.configure()
method, with just a single javascript object argument, which itself should only contains the options you want override.
Known configuration options are:
Define the expected verbosity level.
The accepted value can be any or-ed combination of following:
Do not display any trace log to the console
calls and their result -
Trace all functions calls
Defaults to
. -
Please note that Tabbed.configure()
method should be called in the same terms both in client and server sides.
Remind too that Meteor packages are instanciated at application level. They are so only configurable once, or, in other words, only one instance has to be or can be configured. Additionnal calls to Tabbed.configure()
will just override the previous one. You have been warned: only the application should configure a package.
is a reactive data source.
NPM peer dependencies
Starting with v 0.1.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends
clause of the package.js
Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.
Dependencies as of v 1.2.0:
1 'lodash': '^4.17.0'
Each of these dependencies should be installed at application level:
meteor npm install <package> --save
New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.
Cookies and comparable technologies
On named tabs, pwix:tabbed
uses sessionStorage
to record the last activated tab.
Because this is dynamically done on a per tabbed display unit basis, and only if this later is named, the package doesn't advertize of this use, relying on the caller own declaration.
Issues & help
In case of support or error, please report your issue request to our Issues tracker.
P. Wieser
- Last updated on 2024, Aug. 14th