
v1.0.1Published last year


What is it ?

A client-only Meteor package which provides a combination of Bootstrap Toasts and Alerts:

  • as toast, the provided message automatically disappear after a (configurable) timeout
  • as alert, we may have a distinct color for a distinct information level.

Here the 'tolerts' are displayed on the top-right corner of the window.

Disclaimer: this is not my own idea, but don't remember where I have found that, most probably on SO.


Very simple indeed. Just import the globally exported object, and enjoy:

    import { tlTolert } from 'meteor/pwix:tolert';
    ... 'An information message' );


Package is very simple, so only provides one configuration option.

Calling tlTolert.configure(), passing your configuration object as a single parameter, from your top-level code, is enough.


A global object


(client-only) methods attached to the global object

  • tlTolert.error()
  • tlTolert.success()
  • tlTolert.warning()

These four methods use the corresponding Bootstrap color codes as a colored background of the tolert.


  • tlMessage

This is just a placeholder that you have to include anywhere in your application main layout.

It will not take any place inside your layout as only (temporarily) visible over the window.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2023, Jan. 27th