
v0.0.1Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


This package adds events over ddp, so you can emit and listen to events from client and server.

1  var ddpEvents = new EventDDP('raix:push', Meteor.connection);
3  var ddpEvents.addListener('push', function(message) {
4    // Got message
5    // Use the notification api to display a nice native notification?
6    alert(message);
7  });
9  ddpEvents.setClient({
10    // Setting userId here throws an error
11    // userId: '',
12    // This is an example of metadata
13    appId: '2222',
14    foo: 'bar'
15  });
17  ddpEvents.emit('token', token);

On the server:

1  var ddpEvents = new EventDDP('raix:push');
3  // Added list of userId's - the selector is optional - if omitted then broadcast
4  ddpEvents.matchEmit('push', {
5    $and: [
6      userId: ['fsDFf7fsfdfs'],
7      appId: '2222',
8      foo: 'bar'
9    ]
10  }, 'Hello');
12  ddpEvents.addListener('token', function(client, token) {
13    if (client.userId) {
14        // check client.appId
15        // check client.foo
16    }
17  });

How does this work?

This is a simple walkthrough the core features:


1em = new EventDDP('test');
3if (Meteor.isClient) {
4  em.addListener('hello', function() {
5    console.log('SERVER HI', _.toArray(arguments));
6  }); 
9if (Meteor.isServer) {
10  em.addListener('hello', function(/* client */) {
11    console.log('HELLO', _.toArray(arguments));
12  });

Now emitting an event on the server or client will trigger the event listener eg.:

Browser console:

1  em.emit('hello');
2  // server --> HELLO [ { userId: null } ]

Notice that the first argument in the server listener is the client details.

We can set additional metadata on the client object if we want: (Browser console)

1  em.setClient({ foo: 'bar' });
2  em.emit('hello');
3  // server --> HELLO [ { foo: 'bar', userId: null } ]

Note userId is set by the server

We can also emit events from the server: ($ meteor shell)

1   em.emit('hello');
2   // client --> SERVER HI []

We can also use the matchEmit to do a client specific emit: ($ meteor shell)

1  // Match the client metadata
2  em.matchEmit('hello', { foo: 'bar' });
3  // client --> SERVER HI []

The matchEmit relies on the existing document matching in the MiniMongo package.

Example of how the matcher works, you might find it useful in other projects:

1  // $ meteor add minimongo
2  var match = new Minimongo.Matcher({ a: { $gt: 5 } });
3  match.documentMatches({ a: 1 }); // { result: false }
4  match.documentMatches({ a: 6 }); // { result: true }


  • Write the full api
  • Write complete test coverage

Kind regards Morten