
v0.0.5Published 6 years ago

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raix:eventstate Build Status

Adds a simple api for maintaining evented state.

This object inherit from the EventEmitter and adds two functions to the api:

  • emitState
  • clearState

The EventState constructor takes an object / map of initial / default state values if any.


1  var es = new EventState({
2    // Define an initial state with default value
3    'initial': { data: ['foo'] }
4  });
6  // Emit a ready state with data of `null`
7  es.emitState('ready');
9  // Emit an "initial" state with data
10  es.emitState('initial', { data: ['foo'] });

Listening to states:

1  es.once('ready', function() {
2    // Run once ready / already ready
3  });
5  es.addListener('initial', function(value) {
6    // Get the value and have it kept updated on changes
7  });

Cleanup listeners and state value for ready state:

1  // Removes all listeners for event `ready`
2  es.removeAllListeners('ready');
4  // Empty value map
5  es.clearState('ready');

Cleanup all listeners and state values:

1  // Removes all listeners
2  es.removeAllListeners();
4  // Empty value map
5  es.clearState();

Kind regards Morten