
v1.0.6Published 5 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.



The following package creates a new input type for Aldeed's meteor-autoform package using the TinyMCE WYSIWYG text editor. autoform-tinymce editor


meteor add skehoe1989:autoform-tinymce

Add the 'tinyMCE' input type to the autoform property in your collection's SimpleSchema:

1BlogPosts = new SimpleSchema({
2    title: {
3        type: String,
4        max: 100
5    },
6    content: {
7        type: String,
8        autoform: {
9            afFieldInput: {
10                type: 'tinyMCE',
11                data: {
12                    /**  
13                    *   tinyMCE initialization options
14                    *   "skin_url" is not customizable for now*
15                    *   See
16                    */                
17                    height: 300,
18                    statusbar: false,
19                    menubar: false
20                    ...
21                    ...
22                }
23            }
24        }
25    }

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