
v1.1.0Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


A highlight.js package for Meteor that's integrated with the core markdown package and chuangbo:marked!

$ meteor add simple:highlight.js

Using standalone

Call the methods as described in the Highlight.js docs:

Using with the Meteor markdown package or changbo:marked

This package is completely integrated with two markdown packages on the client and the server. Just put a code block in your markdown code:

code goes here

And the code will automatically be highlighted. Provide a language hint by adding a keyword like this:

var x = function () {};

This package works not only with the markdown helper, but with the Showdown.makeHtml function in markdown called directly as well. This means it also works with simple:markdown-templating.

Adding support for other markdown packages

Please file a pull request on the markdown-integration.js file!