
v0.1.1Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Allows "peer" npm dependencies in Meteor 1.3 Atmosphere packages.

Use this package if you are writing an Atmosphere package that depends on a given Npm package is installed at the app level of projects you are installed in.

For example, if you are depending on a Npm-distributed React component, you don't want to Npm.depends() on the Npm package in your Atmosphere package, as this will mean a second copy of React will be shipped client-side as a sub-dependency of your package. Instead, you can do:

1import { checkNpmVersions } from 'meteor/tmeasday:check-npm-versions';
3  'griddle-react': '0.3.x'
6const Griddle = require('griddle-react');

This will prompt the user with an error message if they do not install griddle-react at a correct version directly in their application. In your install instructions, you'll still want to tell them to npm install --save griddle-react --- this will just tell them what's wrong if they do not.

Note that you must use require rather than import, unless you do the check in a separate file, as import is hoisted to the top of the file (and thus before the call to checkNpmVersions).