
v1.0.1Published 8 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Mailchimp API v3

Package for using newest Mailchimp API.

Implemented functions:

  • Add a new list member

List of all functions


A way to add a new function

You need to create new function within which you invoke:


this._apiCall(method = 'GET', {resource = '', queryParams = {}, body = {}} = {})

method [String] - http method type - CRUD - POST, GET, PUT, DELETE

resource [String|Array of String|Array of Object] - the order has meaning here - corresponds to "Endpoints" from Mailchimp API documentation.

queryParams [Object] - order has no meaning - corresponds to "Query string parameters" from Mailchimp API documentation.

body [Object] - request body - corresponds to "Request body parameters" from Mailchimp API.



import mailchimpAPI from 'meteor/universe:mailchimp-v3-api';


mailchimpAPI.setApiKey('your API key from Mailchimp');
    list_id: 'adfaf',
    body: {
        email_address: 'test@vazco.eu',
        status: 'pending'

you can use chain notation as well:


mailchimpAPI.setApiKey('your API key from Mailchimp').addANewListMember({
    list_id: 'adfaf',
    body: {
        email_address: 'test@vazco.eu',
        status: 'pending'