
v0.8.0Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Universe Modules NPM

Extension for package universe:modules that adds possibility of bundling npm packages into universe modules.

And you can use it, just like that:

import cn from '{username:mypackage}/packages/classnames';

How It works

Into Package

  1. Create file .npm.json, like packages.import-npm.json and add it to package.js by api.addFiles
  2. In package.js add dependency universe:modules-npm
  3. Add some packages under key dependencies (as a name:version pairs) to this file:
  "dependencies": {
      "classnames": "2.1.3",
      // You can even attach comments here
      "typographic-numbers": "0.2.1"
  1. You can import already added packages.
import classNames from '{username:mypackage}/packages/classnames';
import typographicNumbers from '{username:mypackage}/packages/typographic-numbers';

In app

You can use It outside of package too. To do that please create and add in application space file myfile.npm.json. And now, you can import something like this: import classNames from 'myfile/classnames'


This package uses browserify for bundling. You can pass options in the same file under key browserify to make changes on this process

  "dependencies": {
     "browserify-global-shim": "1.0.0"
  "browserify": {
      "transforms": {
      //using react from meteor package in npm modules
        "browserify-global-shim": {
          "react": "Package['react-runtime'].React"

Earlier example shows how add transformation that exposes globals as modules so they can be required


Because in bundling process, this package uses a browserify. Only browserifyable npm packages will work correctly. If you want use none browserifyable packages please use meteor npm and next, export them as regular module.

Code and documentation © 2015 Vazco.eu Released under the MIT license.

This package is part of Universe, a package ecosystem based on Meteor platform maintained by Vazco. It works as standalone Meteor package, but you can get much more features when using the whole system.