
v0.0.3Published 8 years ago

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Grapher-React Components

Using the cultofcoders:grapher query component in React.


// Tasks.jsx
import React from 'react';
import Tasks from '/imports/api/tasks/collection.js';
import { createQueryContainer } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher-react';

const query = Tasks.createQuery({
    title: 1

const Tasks = ({loading, error, tasks}) => (, task => <div>{task.title}</div>)

export default createQueryContainer(query, Tasks, {
    reactive: true // defaults to false, will use pub/sub system
    dataProp: 'tasks' // defaults to 'data',
    single: false // defaults to false, when you expect a single document, like you filter by _id, use this. 

You can pass params directly in the constructor, these params will be passed to the query.

import Tasks from './Tasks.jsx';

export default () => {
    return <Tasks params={{isActive: true}} anyOtherProp="willBePassedToComponent" />