
v0.5.8Published 4 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Doichain Meteor API

This meteor project adds the Doichain (see REST API to your web project.


  1. Prerequisites
    • running Doichain Node in Mainnet or Testnet (manual installation see: or via docker
      • (Mainnet) or via Docker-Hub docker run -it -p 8339:8339 doichain/node-only (RPC_PASSWORD is generated and inside the docker container ~/.doichain/doichain.conf)
      • (Testnet) or via Docker-Hub docker run -it -e TESTNET=true -p 18339:18339 -e RPC_PASSWORD=<my-rpc-password> doichain/node-only
      • If you want to forward blocknotify and walletnotify from doichain node to your dApp you might want to make use of
      • Remark: you might want to forward a public server remote port for Bob's callback to your local machine via e.g. ssh -R 4000:localhost:3000 your@your-remote-ssh-server (since your local machine cannot be reached from the internt)
  2. Funding (as described
  3. Installation
  4. Test REST-API (as described: