
v1.0.8Published 6 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.


Get the path to currently running instance of Meteor application on a server.


  • 🤓 Support Windows, Linux, and MacOS environments;
  • 👨‍💻 Globally available Meteor.rootPath — absolute path to programs/server directory
  • 👨‍💻 Globally available Meteor.absolutePath — absolute path to .meteor directory

meteor-root atmosphere library


meteor add ostrio:meteor-root


1const pathToFile = Meteor.rootPath + '/directory/where/is/your/file.json';

Returns absolute path to programs/server directory of your compiled application, without trailing slash.

1const pathToFile = Meteor.absolutePath + '/.meteor/local/build/programs/server/directory/where/is/your/file.json';

Returns absolute path to .meteor directory of your compiled application, without trailing slash.

Note: Be aware of the path stored in Meteor.absolutePath, it points to the location where Meteor application is running. It isn't guaranteed to be the same path as the path of your project. For example, running Meteor in test-mode will return a path from a temporary location where it's running.

Thanks to @Konard for testing and maintaining Windows support.

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