
v0.6.0Published 8 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor user status

Reactively setup user's [on|off]line and idle status into Meteor.user().profile.online, returns Boolean value.


meteor add ostrio:user-status

ES6 Import:

1import { UserStatus } from 'meteor/ostrio:user-status';


Simply add and use with accounts-base and accounts-password packages, ostrio:user-status will work just behind it on the background, - doesn't requires any setting up

RectiveVar UserStatus.status can be used to identify current user's status

1import { UserStatus } from 'meteor/ostrio:user-status';
2UserStatus.status.get(); // One of offline, online, idle

Session UserStatusIdle can be used to identify if user currently is idle

1Session.get('UserStatusIdle'); // Boolean true when user is idle

Updated user's object

2  username: String,
3  emails: [Object],
4  createdAt: Date,
5  updatedAt: Date,
6  profile: {
7    location: {
8      ip: String     //-> Current or last used user's IP
9    },
10    online: Boolean, //-> Is user online
11    idle: Boolean,   //-> Is user online but idle
12    lastLogin: Date  //-> Current or last login time
13  },
14  connection: String //-> Current or last used DDP Connection ID

Idle Status

Why idle?: Some apps require your constant attention. Such apps often include games, media players, anything that is CPU/battery intensive, and so on. For these kinds of apps, it may be important (as well as user-friendly) to do something when a user is no longer actively interacting with your app.

To control idle status in current client use Session.get('UserStatusIdle')

For example, let's redirect idle users to almost blank page, using iron-router package: Pause Template (pause.jade)

1<template name="pause">
2  <h1>You are on pause</h1>

Create routes (routes.coffee)

2 * Catch all routes
3 */
4Router.onBeforeAction(function() {
5  Meteor.wrapAsync(function(route) {
6    if (!route.route.options.omitted) {
7      Session.set('prev_href', route.url);
8    }
9  });
14 * Example route map
15 */
16Router.map(function() {
17  this.route('index', {
18    template: 'index',
19    path: '/'
20  });
21  this.route('pause', {
22    template: 'pause',
23    path: '/pause',
24    omitted: true
25  });
30 * Check wherever user is idle, redirect him to `/pause`, 
31 * if user is active again redirect to previous URL
32 */
33Tracker.autorun(function() {
34  if (Session.get('UserStatusIdle')) {
35    Session.set('UserStatusOnPause', true);
36    Router.go('/pause');
37  } else if (!Session.get('UserStatusIdle') && Session.get('UserStatusOnPause')) {
38    Session.set('UserStatusOnPause', false);
39    Router.go(Session.get('prev_href'));
40  }