
v0.2.2Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Meteor Packages

Package which provides a client for Meteor Package Server API.

It creates and syncs all data about packages to local MongoDB collections and keeps them in sync.

Adding this package to your Meteor application adds MeteorPackages into the scope.

Both client and server side.


meteor add peerlibrary:meteor-packages


On the server-side, you initialize it like this:

1Meteor.startup(function () {
2  MeteorPackages.startSyncing();

Initial syncing might take quite some time.

Then you can access collections:

  • MeteorPackages.Packages
  • MeteorPackages.Versions
  • MeteorPackages.Builds
  • MeteorPackages.ReleaseTracks
  • MeteorPackages.ReleaseVersions
  • MeteorPackages.LatestPackages

LatestPackages collection is the same as Versions, only that it contains only the latest versions of packages.

Schema of documents is the same as described in the documentation with one exception: in Versions collection, dependencies field is represented as an array of objects where package name is stored as packageName key. This is to support package names with . in the name without any problems.