
v4.1.0Published 6 months ago


quave:react-data is a Meteor package that allows you to subscribe to publications and also call methods.


  • Call methods with await
  • Subscribe to data with skip logic
  • Deps array to resubscribe


Almost every Meteor application with React is using Subscriptions and Methods, so it's helpful to provide React Hooks ready to use in common cases.


meteor add quave:react-data


Both methods listed below rely on the idea of providing a single object to Meteor.call and also to Meteor.subscribe as the second parameter.

It means that you should send the data to the server putting in the arg field.

For example, instead of using Meteor.call('myMethod', param1, param2); you should do Meteor.call('myMethod', { param1, param2 });. Of course, using the method provided instead of Meteor.call.

The same for Meteor.subscribe but also using useData and in this case, as we have many ways to use it, you should use a named property called arg to send your arguments to the server.

We have decided this way because of our long experience with Meteor projects and as these calls are creating contracts (APIs) between the client and the server clear named objects are better in the long term than positional arguments. This will make your Meteor project more reliable in the long term and easier to maintain.


Return a method function that is async. You can call it with a method name and an argument.


1import { useMethod } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
3export const Snapshot = () => {
4  const { method } = useMethod();
6  const save = async () => {
7    const snapshot = await method('saveSnapshot', {
8      snapshot: {
9        _id: snapshotId,
10        items,
11      },
12    });
13    clear();
14  };
16  // continue to render...

You can also provide options for useMethod such as:

  • onError: it's called with the error, only when it's not expected. It's useful when you want to log errors for example. The promise will also be rejected with this error right after this is invoked. One argument will be passed with the following properties:
    • error: in case of errors
    • methodName: the method name
    • arg: the arg sent to the method
  • onSuccess: it's called with the result of your method when it finishes without errors. The promise will also be resolved with this result right after this is invoked. One argument will be passed with the following properties:
    • result: the response of the method
    • methodName: the method name
    • arg: the arg sent to the method
  • onExpectedError: it's called with the error, only when it's expected. Two arguments will be passed with the following properties:
    • first: the expectedReason, usually a String, of the error when provided in an EXPECTED_ERROR. Otherwise, you can also set a custom default text with QuaveReactData.setDefaultExpectedErrorReason method expected errors or it will pass Unknown error text.
    • second: is an object with the following properties:
      • error: the error object
      • methodName: the method name
      • arg: the arg sent to the method
    • openAlert (deprecated): it will work because onExpectedError has the same behavior, so if will provide openAlert option we will consider it the same as onExpectedError, prefer onExpectedError to avoid breaking changes in the future.
  • onFinally: it's called after any of the other callbacks are called. One argument will be passed with the following properties:
    • result: the response of the method when success, can be undefined
    • error: the error object, can be undefined
    • expectedReason: in case of expected errors, can be undefined
    • methodName: the method name
    • arg: the arg sent to the method


Subscribe to a publication and find the data.


1import { useData } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
2import { useLoggedUser } from 'meteor/quave:logged-user-react';
4export const Home = () => {
5  const { loggedUser } = useLoggedUser();
7  const { data: snapshots, loading } = useData({
8    publicationName: 'mySnapshots',
9    skip: !loggedUser,
10    find: () => SnapshotsCollection.find({}, { sort: { at: -1 } }),
11  });
13  // continue to render...

A more complex example:

1import { useData } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
3export const Snapshot = () => {
4  const navigate = useNavigate();
5  const snapshotId = useParams()[RouteParams.SNAPSHOT_ID];
7  const { data: snapshotItems } = useData({
8    publicationName: 'mySnapshots',
9    arg: { snapshotId },
10    skip: !snapshotId,
11    deps: [snapshotId],
12    dataReturnWhenLoading: [],
13    find: () =>
14      SnapshotItemsCollection.find({ snapshotId }, { sort: { at: -1 } }),
15  });
17  // continue to render...

shouldSkip property is also available, it works like skip, but it is a function instead of a static property.


Subscribe to a publication but without finding the data.


1import { useDataSubscribe } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
2import { useLoggedUser } from 'meteor/quave:logged-user-react';
4export const Home = () => {
5  const { loggedUser } = useLoggedUser();
7  const { loading } = useDataSubscribe({
8    publicationName: 'mySnapshots',
9    skip: !loggedUser,
10  });
12  // continue to render...
13  // and in other component you can find the data
14  // (see more hooks below)


Find data from a collection that is already published to Minimongo.


1import { useFindData } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
3const Chats = ({ isPrivate }) => {
4  const chats = useFindData({
5    skip: !isPrivate,
6    deps: [isPrivate],
7    find: () => ChatsCollection.find({ isPrivate: !!isPrivate }),
8  });
10  // chats is an array of ChatsCollection documents
11  // continue to render...


Find data from a collection that is already published to Minimongo but only the first one, like a findOne.


1import { useFindOneData } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
3const Chat = ({ isPrivate }) => {
4  const chat = useFindOneData({
5    skip: !isPrivate,
6    deps: [isPrivate],
7    find: () => ChatsCollection.find({ isPrivate: !!isPrivate }),
8  });
10  // chats is just one document of ChatsCollection documents
11  // see that the find is still a find as we need to create a cursor
12  // continue to render...

Extra Features


When you call a method and the server returns an error, we check if the error is an expected error. To throw this error in the server you can use this constant EXPECTED_ERROR. It is exported from the package.

then you need to throw a Meteor.Error where the first argument is EXPECTED_ERROR and the second argument is the reason for the error, usually a friendly error message for the final user.


1import { EXPECTED_ERROR } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
4  updateMyProfile({ profileData }) {
5    if (!profileData.email) {
6      throw new Meteor.Error(
8        'Email field is required to update your profile'
9      );
10    }
11  },


To avoid workarounds and non-standard way to call simple methods when you don't have a React component.

It implements just a Meteor.call wrapped in a Promise to get result or error.


In some cases is nice to inject some argument in all the method calls and subscribes, for example, providing the language from the client or timezone.

We export a method called setGetAdditionalArgsFunction so you can provide additional args for all the calls and subscribe in a single place.


1import React from 'react';
2import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
3import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
4import { App } from '../app/general/App';
5import { setGetAdditionalArgsFunction } from 'meteor/quave:react-data';
6import { getLanguage } from '../imports/infra/languages';
8setGetAdditionalArgsFunction(() => {
9  const language = getLanguage();
10  return { filter: { language } };
13Meteor.startup(() => {
14  const root = createRoot(document.getElementById('app'));
15  root.render(<App />);

Available Imports

To understand which named exports are available, check the client.js and server.js files.
