
v1.0.0Published 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/VeliovGroup/ostrio-neo4jdriver

See also Isomorphic Reactive Driver.

Install to meteor

meteor add ostrio:neo4jdriver

Demo Apps


Neo4jDB([url], [auth])
  • url {String} - Absolute URL to Neo4j server, support both http:// and https:// protocols
  • auth {Object} - User credentials
  • auth.password {String}
  • auth.username {String}

Create Neo4jDB instance and connect to Neo4j

1db = new Neo4jDB 'http://localhost:7474'
3  username: 'neo4j'
4  password: '1234'

List all property keys ever used in the database. Read more.

Returns an array of strings


List all labels ever used in the database. Read more.

Returns an array of strings


List all relationship types ever used in the database. Read more.

Returns an array of strings


Return version of Neo4j server driver connected to.

Returns string, like 2.2.5

db.query(cypher, [opts], [callback])

Send query to Neo4j via transactional endpoint. This Transaction will be immediately committed. This transaction will be sent inside batch, so if you call multiple async queries, all of them will be sent in one batch in closest (next) event loop. Read more.

  • cypher {String} - Cypher query string
  • opts {Object} - JSON-able map of cypher query parameters
  • callback {Function} - Callback with error and result arguments
  • Returns {Neo4jCursor}

If callback is passed, the method runs asynchronously, instead of synchronously.

1db.query "CREATE (n {userData}) RETURN n", userData: username: 'John Black'
db.queryOne(cypher, [opts])

Returns first result received from Neo4j

  • cypher {String} - Cypher query string
  • opts {Object} - JSON-able map of cypher query parameters
  • Returns {Object}
1db.queryOne "CREATE (n {userData}) RETURN n", userData: username: 'John Black'
2# Returns node as Object:
3# {
4#   n: {
5#     id: 8421,
6#     username: "John Black"
7#     metadata: {
8#       id: 8421,
9#       labels": []
10#     }
11#   }
12# }
db.querySync(cypher, [opts])

Runs alway synchronously

  • cypher {String} - Cypher query string
  • opts {Object} - JSON-able map of cypher query parameters
  • Returns {Neo4jCursor}
1cursor = db.querySync "CREATE (n {userData}) RETURN n", userData: username: 'John Black'
2console.log cursor.fetch()
3# Returns array of nodes:
4# [{
5#   n: {
6#     id: 8421,
7#     username: "John Black"
8#     metadata: {
9#       id: 8421,
10#       labels": []
11#     }
12#   }
13# }]
db.queryAsync(cypher, [opts], [callback])

Runs alway asynchronously, even if callback is not passed

  • cypher {String} - Cypher query string
  • opts {Object} - JSON-able map of cypher query parameters
  • callback {Function} - Callback with error and result arguments
  • Returns {Neo4jCursor}
1cursor = db.querySync "CREATE (n {userData}) RETURN n", userData: username: 'John Black'
2console.log cursor.fetch()
3# Returns array of nodes:
4# [{
5#   n: {
6#     id: 8421,
7#     username: "John Black"
8#     metadata: {
9#       id: 8421,
10#       labels": []
11#     }
12#   }
13# }]
db.graph(cypher, [opts], [callback])

Send query via to Transactional endpoint and return results as graph representation. Read more.

  • cypher {String} - Cypher query string
  • opts {Object} - JSON-able map of cypher query parameters
  • callback {Function} - Callback with error and result arguments
  • Returns {Neo4jCursor}

If callback is passed, the method runs asynchronously, instead of synchronously.

1cursor = db.graph "MATCH n RETURN n"
2# Actually it is shortcut for:
3# db.query
4#   query: "MATCH n RETURN n"
5#   resultDataContents: ["graph"]
6console.log cursor.fetch()
7# Returns array of arrays nodes and relationships:
8# [{nodes: [{...}, {...}, {...}], relationships: [{...}, {...}, {...}]},
9#  {nodes: [{...}, {...}, {...}], relationships: [{...}, {...}, {...}]},
10#  {nodes: [{...}, {...}, {...}], relationships: [{...}, {...}, {...}]}]
db.cypher(cypher, [opts], [callback])

Send query to Neo4j via cypher endpoint. Read more.

  • cypher {String} - Cypher query string
  • opts {Object} - JSON-able map of cypher query parameters
  • callback {Function} - Callback with error and result arguments
  • Returns {Neo4jCursor}
1cursor = db.cypher "CREATE (n {userData}) RETURN n", userData: username: 'John Black'
2console.log cursor.fetch()
3# Returns array of nodes:
4# [{
5#   n: {
6#     id: 8421,
7#     username: "John Black"
8#     metadata: {
9#       id: 8421,
10#       labels": []
11#     }
12#   }
13# }]
db.batch(tasks, [callback], [reactive], [plain])

Sent tasks to batch endpoint, this method allows to work directly with Neo4j REST API. Read more.

  • tasks {[Object]} - Array of tasks
  • tasks.$.method {String} - HTTP(S) method used sending this task, one of: 'POST', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'
  • tasks.$.to {String} - Endpoint (URL) for task
  • tasks.$.id {Number} - [Optional] Unique id to identify task. Should be always unique!
  • tasks.$.body {Object} - [Optional] JSONable object which will be sent as data to task
  • callback {Function} - callback function, if present batch() method will be called asynchronously
  • reactive {Boolean} - if true and if plain is true data of node(s) will be updated before returning
  • plain {Boolean} - if true, results will be returned as simple objects instead of Neo4jCursor
  • Returns array of {[Neo4jCursor]}s or array of Object id plain is true
1batch = db.batch [
2  method: "POST"
3  to: '/cypher'
4  body: 
5    query: "CREATE (n:MyNode {data})"
6    params: data: foo: 'bar'
8  method: "POST"
9  to: '/cypher'
10  body: query: "MATCH (n:MyNode) RETURN n"
11  id: 999
13  method: "POST"
14  to: '/cypher'
15  body: query: "MATCH (n:MyNode) DELETE n"]
17for cursor in batch
18  if res._batchId is 999
19    cursor.fetch()

Basic Usage

1db = new Neo4jDB 'http://localhost:7474', {
2    username: 'neo4j'
3    password: '1234'
4  }
6cursor = db.query 'CREATE (n:City {props}) RETURN n', 
7  props: 
8    title: 'Ottawa'
9    lat: 45.416667
10    long: -75.683333
12console.log cursor.fetch()
13# Returns array of nodes:
14# [{
15#   n: {
16#     long: -75.683333,
17#     lat: 45.416667,
18#     title: "Ottawa",
19#     id: 8421,
20#     labels": ["City"],
21#     metadata: {
22#       id: 8421,
23#       labels": ["City"]
24#     }
25#   }
26# }]
28# Iterate through results as plain objects:
29cursor.forEach (node) ->
30  console.log node
31  # Returns node as Object:
32  # {
33  #   n: {
34  #     long: -75.683333,
35  #     lat: 45.416667,
36  #     title: "Ottawa",
37  #     id: 8421,
38  #     labels": ["City"],
39  #     metadata: {
40  #       id: 8421,
41  #       labels": ["City"]
42  #     }
43  #   }
44  # }
46# Iterate through cursor as `Neo4jNode` instances:
47cursor.each (node) ->
48  console.log node.n.get()
49  # {
50  #   long: -75.683333,
51  #   lat: 45.416667,
52  #   title: "Ottawa",
53  #   id: 8421,
54  #   labels": ["City"],
55  #   metadata: {
56  #     id: 8421,
57  #     labels": ["City"]
58  #   }
59  # }

Testing & Dev usage

Local usage

To use the ostrio-neo4jdriver in a project and benefit from updates to the driver as they are released, you can keep your project and the driver in separate directories, and create a symlink between them.

# Stop meteor if it is running
$ cd /directory/of/your/project
# If you don't have a Meteor project yet, create a new one:
$ meteor create MyProject
$ cd MyProject
# Create `packages` directory inside project's dir
$ mkdir packages
$ cd packages
# Clone this repository to a local `packages` directory
$ git clone --bare https://github.com/VeliovGroup/ostrio-neo4jdriver.git
# If you need dev branch, switch into it
$ git checkout dev
# Go back into project's directory
$ cd ../
$ meteor add ostrio:neo4jdriver
# Do not forget to run Neo4j database, before start work with package

From now any changes in ostrio:neo4jdriver package folder will cause your project app to rebuild.

To run tests:
# Go to local package folder
$ cd packages/ostrio-neo4jdriver
# Edit first line of `tests.coffee` to set connection to your Neo4j database
# Do not forget to run Neo4j database
$ meteor test-packages ./