
v1.0.2-fiberPublished 9 years ago

This package has not had recent updates. Please investigate it's current state before committing to using it in your project.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/VeliovGroup/ostrio-neo4jdriver

Neo4j Driver

See also Isomorphic Reactive Driver.

Install to meteor

meteor add ostrio:neo4jdriver

Known issues

  • Error: Cannot find module 'fibers' - install version with -fiber postfix, like: ostrio:neo4jdriver@1.0.2-fiber
  • error: neo4jdriver is not compatible with architecture... - install version without -fibers postfix, like: ostrio:neo4jdriver@1.0.2

Demo Apps


Please see full API with examples in neo4j-fiber wiki

Basic Usage

1db = new Neo4jDB 'http://localhost:7474', {
2    username: 'neo4j'
3    password: '1234'
4  }
6cursor = db.query 'CREATE (n:City {props}) RETURN n', 
7  props: 
8    title: 'Ottawa'
9    lat: 45.416667
10    long: -75.683333
12console.log cursor.fetch()
13# Returns array of nodes:
14# [{
15#   n: {
16#     long: -75.683333,
17#     lat: 45.416667,
18#     title: "Ottawa",
19#     id: 8421,
20#     labels": ["City"],
21#     metadata: {
22#       id: 8421,
23#       labels": ["City"]
24#     }
25#   }
26# }]
28# Iterate through results as plain objects:
29cursor.forEach (node) ->
30  console.log node
31  # Returns node as Object:
32  # {
33  #   n: {
34  #     long: -75.683333,
35  #     lat: 45.416667,
36  #     title: "Ottawa",
37  #     id: 8421,
38  #     labels": ["City"],
39  #     metadata: {
40  #       id: 8421,
41  #       labels": ["City"]
42  #     }
43  #   }
44  # }
46# Iterate through cursor as `Neo4jNode` instances:
47cursor.each (node) ->
48  console.log node.n.get()
49  # {
50  #   long: -75.683333,
51  #   lat: 45.416667,
52  #   title: "Ottawa",
53  #   id: 8421,
54  #   labels": ["City"],
55  #   metadata: {
56  #     id: 8421,
57  #     labels": ["City"]
58  #   }
59  # }

Testing & Dev usage

Local usage

To use the ostrio-neo4jdriver in a project and benefit from updates to the driver as they are released, you can keep your project and the driver in separate directories, and create a symlink between them.

# Stop meteor if it is running
$ cd /directory/of/your/project
# If you don't have a Meteor project yet, create a new one:
$ meteor create MyProject
$ cd MyProject
# Create `packages` directory inside project's dir
$ mkdir packages
$ cd packages
# Clone this repository to a local `packages` directory
$ git clone --bare https://github.com/VeliovGroup/ostrio-neo4jdriver.git
# If you need dev branch, switch into it
$ git checkout dev
# Go back into project's directory
$ cd ../
$ meteor add ostrio:neo4jdriver
# Do not forget to run Neo4j database, before start work with package

From now any changes in ostrio:neo4jdriver package folder will cause your project app to rebuild.

To run tests:
# Go to local package folder
$ cd packages/ostrio-neo4jdriver
# Edit first line of `tests.coffee` to set connection to your Neo4j database
# Do not forget to run Neo4j database
$ meteor test-packages ./