
v1.0.0Published 3 months ago


What is it ?

A Meteor package which encapsulates aldeed:tabular to force the homogeneity of tabular presentations inside of our applications.

In particular, this package let the caller add (or not) three Information, Edit and Delete buttons at the end right of each row.


This Meteor package is installable with the usual command:

    meteor add pwix:tabular


In your .html template, use tabular_ext template instead of tabular, with just the same parameters.



The exported Tabular global object provides following items:


Returns the i18n namespace used by the package. Used to add translations at runtime.

Available both on the client and the server.



This package Tabular.Table class extends the aldeed:tabular Tabular.Table class.

The constructor accepts all aldeed:tabular Tabular.Table own options, plus following additional parameters, all inside a tabular object:

  • tabular.deleteConfirmationText

    The text to be displayed when requiring the user confirmation, as a HTML string.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return the text.

    Defaults to 'Deleting an object'.

  • tabular.deleteConfirmationTitle

    The title of the confirmation modal dialog.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return the title.

    Defaults to 'You are about to delete the "%s" object. Are you sure ?'.

  • tabular.deleteButtonEnabled

    Whether the 'Delete' button must be enabled, with a truethy or falsy value.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return true|false to enable the 'Delete' button.

    Defaults to true (enabled).

  • tabular.deleteButtonTitle

    The title of the 'Delete' button.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return the title to be attached to the 'Delete' button.

    Defaults to 'Delete the "%s" object'.

  • tabular.dialogClasses

    The classes to be added to the displayed dialogs, as a string.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return the classes string.

    Defaults to nothing.

  • tabular.editButtonEnabled

    Whether the 'Edit' button must be enabled, with a truethy or falsy value.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return true|false to enable the 'Edit' button.

    Defaults to true (enabled).

  • tabular.editButtonTitle

    The title of the 'Edit' button.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return the title to be attached to the 'Edit' button.

    Defaults to 'Edit the "%s" object'.

  • tabular.infoButtonEnabled

    Whether the 'Information' button must be enabled, with a truethy or falsy value.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return true|false to enable the 'Information' button.

    Defaults to true (enabled).

  • tabular.infoButtonTitle

    The title of the 'Information' button.

    Can be a function which will be called with the row object, and must return the title to be attached to the 'Information' button.

    Defaults to 'Informations about the "%s" object'.

  • tabular.wantDeleteConfirmation

    Whether the tabular-delete-event event must be triggered after a user confirmation (if true) or as soon as the user has clicked on the Delete button (if false).

    Defaults to true (after user confirmation).

  • tabular.withDeleteButton

    whether to display a 'Delete' button on the right, defaulting to true

  • tabular.withEditButton

    whether to display an 'Edition' button on the right, defaulting to true

  • tabular.withInfoButton

    whether to display an 'Information' button on the right, defaulting to true

As its aldeed:tabular ancestor, this package requires that the constructor be called in same terms, both in client and server side.

NPM peer dependencies

Starting with v 1.0.0, and in accordance with advices from the Meteor Guide, we no more hardcode NPM dependencies in the Npm.depends clause of the package.js.

Instead we check npm versions of installed packages at runtime, on server startup, in development environment.

Dependencies as of v 1.0.0:

1    'lodash': '^4.17.0',

Each of these dependencies should be installed at application level:

    meteor npm install <package> --save


New and updated translations are willingly accepted, and more than welcome. Just be kind enough to submit a PR on the Github repository.

Cookies and comparable technologies

None at the moment.

Issues & help

In case of support or error, please report your issue request to our Issues tracker.

P. Wieser

  • Last updated on 2024, Jun. 21st